Relationship shit: [b]Fanilly:[/b] Untested and unproven. Frankly, the only reason Renar doesn't actually disapprove of her is because he knows she didn't have a single choice in the matter. There's no point in hating someone for something that they didn't choose for themselves. Renar would be an utter hypocrite to do so otherwise. He's entirely willing to assist and guide her as best as he's able, because helping her means helping himself. The prestige of the Iron Rose would be damaged greatly by an incompetent captain, and thus would damage his own goals. [b]Tyaethe:[/b] The legends never mentioned that the most enduring symbol of the Iron Rose was also a shockingly lazy layabout. Still, if anyone's actually earned that privilege, Paladin Tyaethe certainly has. Renar will respect her skill if nothing else, and uses her as a metric to measure himself against. If he can manage to provide a challenge to her in one of their spars, then he could die happy regarding his skill. [b]Cecilia:[/b] Clearly knows what she's doing, given that she won her glory in the war. Even with her lack of discipline and work ethic, she gets results where it counts: on the battlefield. In short, she has Renar's appreciation, though she could stand to stop trying to pawn her work off on others. Unlike the First and Youngest, Cecilia can't get away with that shit by virtue of not having ungodly might. [b]Shanil:[/b] Renar can recognize that she bears some sort of grudge, and he respects that. After all, he's fueled by spite in part himself. Still, he knows that whatever past she certainly hasn't shared is likely tragic, and doesn't pry. Likely tries to train against her often enough, just to get in practice against magic wielders. [b]Gerard:[/b] A good man, especially with his low birth. Hell, Gerard is a more noble man than most bluebloods Renar is acquainted with. Many of the trueborn knights Renar knows are little more than killers and opportunists deluding themselves into a sense of superiority, but Gerard genuinely seeks to live up to the ideals of their shared station while also having seen the realities of the battlefield. And for that, he won't deride Gerard's idealism as he would to so many others. Being around a true idealist is a refreshing change of pace, and besides, it's nice to dream. [b]Lucas:[/b] Why is he even here? How did an untested boy somehow slip into the Iron Rose? Renar is not pleased that this boy rode the coattails of a better man straight into the same order that he had to slay an orc warchief all by his lonesome to receive an invitation to. The order is for knights that have proven themselves already, not green boys with potential. Until Lucas proves himself, Renar regards him as little more than a waste of the Iron Rose's collective time and resources. [b]Fionn:[/b] A fine man of true faith and a finer veteran of war. As with Gerard, Renar appreciates those who have seen the worst life has to offer while remaining decent people, because he certainly can't manage such himself. Good company as well, though Renar has a hell of a time keeping an eye on the man to make sure he hasn't wasted his stipend, or goddesses forbid, lost it again. [b]Fleuri:[/b] The Flower of the North is a man who's lived the life Renar wishes he had. Or until he threw it all away, that is. The Iron Rose is but a stepping stone to Renar's goals, and yet the man who already had all the glory, recognition, and honors Renar wanted traded all that just to serve. Unlike with his commoner training partners, Renar just can't understand this one. Mostly because those two still managed to advance their lot in life, which is something he understands, despite being good men. Someone just discarding all that is completely alien to him. [b]Serenity:[/b] Renar knows when he's being used. In this instance, he doesn't really care. She can see his entire bag of tricks if she wants, he's improving as well by facing someone with incredibly solid fundamentals and technique. Serenity is fine company and a finer training partner, keeping him on his toes and offering decent conversation with an acerbic wit. Of course, he can tell she has some sort of grudge against Fanilly going, and it's piqued his curiosity. [b]Morianne:[/b] A complete bitch, yes. But Renar's learned to more or less tune it out unless she actually has some valid criticism for once. Still, he understands a cynic, being one himself, and agrees with her more often than he should. Unless it pertains to him. But even then, there's still something useful to be gleaned. [b]Katerina:[/b] Neutral to affable. Decent companionship, and certainly a very good cook. Renar makes a point of staying on her good side, if only so she doesn't tamper with any meal she serves to him. [b]Hope:[/b] If he wanted to help people directly, he should have stayed in the capital. In Renar's opinion, Hope's talents, while certainly appreciated, are wasted as a knight. The man would do more of the good he sought by continuing to heal the sick and feed the hungry than killing what the crown bid them to. Also doesn't appreciate him being a mother hen. Renar can take care of himself, thank you very much. He always has.