[@aia2022] [i]”Hell no. Why would I want you to take it off?”[/i] he asked sliding down into a seat nearby. [i]”It’s much more exciting this way.”[/i] Still grinning at that mask, Clay clicked his fingers in the air and spoke in a language that seemed beyond him. The sounds came out like a low bubbling beneath water, syllables just beyond the grasp of comprehension. Like the words teetered in the peripheral of ones ears, there was something there but it could not be focused on. They were laced with shadow and darkness, audibly so as well as visually. He only yawned as he lean back. A serving shadow imp forming on the table before them. It’s wide hollow eyes looking from Clay to Lavender and then back again as it held out a clean clear bottle, near as large as itself, a caramel brown liquid sloshing about within. [i]”Work here long enough and you learn some tricks.”[/i] he says, ignoring the fact that Lavender seems to be ignoring him. [b]”Want to see if it can get you anything?”[/b] Clay takes the bottle from the small demonic creature. Hands now empty, it takes its own tail in those long claw like fingers and shyly hugs it against its boney chest as it stands waiting.