[@spiral origin][@Pakde] Slow-moving as he was, the black-haired man on a wheelchair, while turned around, could 'see' this event befall, this... horned redhead scolding a distraught, possibly freshly widowed woman, for forgetting the well-being of her daughter. The thing is, this horned redhead's in the right. Few things strike anger within him in this world, one of them being the mistreatment of children. Suddenly, the widow's hand was knocked off of her child's with an invisible force, and she was subsequently knocked off her feet, made to fall on her bottom. At the same time, the child was enveloped with a force quite wind-like, keeping her from collapsing yet gently guiding her down to sit on the subsequently rapidly cooling sand. Beyond this, he felt no more obligation. He shrugged and resumed rolling towards where Ember and Viviana were, intent to preserve his limited energy.