Did a Relationship Chart for Katerina: [hr] [b]Fanilly:[/b] Fanilly isn't even the youngest person that Katerina has had to take orders from -- Lauren has her beat by a few years, though she isn't interesting in making it into a contest anytime soon. Most of the ritualism of selecting the Captains of these Knightly Orders flies right over Katerina's head: She never really understood much of it. Fanilly seems fine, if young and -- perhaps understandably -- quite nervous. The latter might not be the [i]greatest[/i] trait to have in a Knightly Captain, but Katerina mostly thinks that she just needs some time to come out of her shell. [b]Tyaethe:[/b] Now, Katerina's not a laywer by any stretch of the imagination, but when she joined the Iron Rose Knights, she didn't know there was a statute of limitations on vampirism in Thaln. More you know. She supposed that when you're in a knightly order for so long that she gets seniority over those types of affairs...though on that note, Katerina's not sure what it really is that Tyaethe really [i]does[/i] around here either, except for maybe boss people around. [b]Cecillia:[/b] A wandering mercenary. With a special enchanted bow. That can talk to wind spirits. Forgive her skepticism, but something about all of this just doesn't add up to her. Maybe Katerina's overthinking this, maybe she isn't. But after a war and a job collecting things like wyvern's blood and orc mushrooms, the sorceress-knight has learned to always suspect things and expect the unexpected. Considering the fact that she can shoot a gold coin out of a trader's hand over the walls of Aimlenn in the heath over, Katerina's got the suspicion that she was an assassin or something not too long ago. But that sort of stuff's just nonsense -- the Iron Rose Knights wouldn't let them in if that was true, right? ...right? ...eh, who's she kiddin'... [b]Renar:[/b] Katerina sympathizes with Renar's upbringing and circumstances (as much as her mirthless commentary can portray, at any rate) in regards to being born of two vastly different worlds, and ultimately, belonging to neither of them. There's a certain respect she has for him having to make his own path in life, and it's a path that she's all too familiar with. She hasn't really talked too in-depth on the topic with the bastard -- she isn't his mom and he can very well take care of himself, no amount of life commentary is going to do much of anything about the situation, except maybe for commiserate together. [b]Fionn:[/b] Finally. At least one person who can understand her. At least, she thinks. Katerina generally likes Fionn's presence, if mostly because he exudes a certain confidence in how unabashedly he goes about his business that she finds a bit charming. It does periodically give her headaches, though, but at this point it's so common that it may as well be Stockholm Syndrome -- which Katerina does genuinely wonder is the case sometimes. [b]Shanil:[/b] And Katerina thought that [i]she[/i] was a real sourpuss...every night, before she goes to bed and out of sight from anyone, Katerina prays to Mayon and thanks the Lady above that Shanil is here so Katerina doesn't look like the most dour of the bunch. She's still somewhat careful to not make her opinion [i]too[/i] well-known around her -- she'll probably get dissolved into shade by sunrise. Now, she heard a great quote somewhere she can't remember for the life of her, but Katerina feels it summarizes her feelings on Shanil perfectly: [i]"I don't blame you for being you -- but you can't blame me for hating it"[/i]. [b]Gerard:[/b] Gerard doesn't seem to talk much to Katerina -- whenever she makes a comment or tries telling a story, all he seems to do is politely nod and listen. She gets the impression that he doesn't like her very much, but as for why she's constantly drawn a hard conclusion to it. Maybe he's got something against elves, or magic-users, but Katerina can't put a finger right down on any of it. [b]Lucas:[/b] Oh Lucas, you strapping young lad. The romantic tale of the farmboy off to make a name for himself, a blank canvas, with only his wits, his will, and a dream. What Katerina needs to tell him about that is that you have to be asleep to think that believe a dream is real. She can't really fault the guy for having a dream and sticking with it to this point -- I mean, she was doing the same thing more or less at about his age. But he needs some more time to figure out how the world really works. And Katerina figures that either he'll get broken in after a few years and make a good fighter, or she's gonna need to go explain to his folks in a few months how their son is dead in a ditch somewhere in the Back-o-Beyonds of Thaln. [b]Fleuri:[/b] Probably the most dedicated of the whole lot of them. In spite of everything she knows about Fleuri, Katerina will admit that the man's still something of a mystery to her. He seems like someone that she [i]should[/i] know more about, that she [i]should[/i] think so much more -- or so much less -- of. But there's just a nothingness there about her final opinion on him that just ends up irking her in the most bizarre kind of way. [b]Serenity:[/b] Katerina is entirely convinced that there can only be one of two possible outcomes for this beef with Fanilly: The two are either going to end up as absolute best friends, right as rain, two peas in a pod. Or Serenity is going to be the main catalyst for some stupid-ass power struggle that boils over into a civil war in a couple of months. Given how seriously Serenity takes most things, if she gets signs it's the latter, Katerina's already decided that she's changing her name and getting as far away from this place as she humanly can. The sorceress doesn't have any [i]problems[/i] with Serenity, but she's sure to keep out of the drama. Katerina was a teenage girl not too long ago -- and she knows that angry teenage girls are more cold-blooded than an orc shaman hopped up on blood-spice. [b]Morianne:[/b] Speaking of cold-blooded, what we have here is a Grade S, Board-Certified, Stone-Cold Bitch. And she doesn't even have the same excuse for being a teenager like some of the other members do. But she plays like an [i]angel![/i] So with all that in mind...Morianne is kind of just an average musician -- and Katerina's met quite the number. She'd probably be a bit nicer to Katerina if she stopped "seasoning" her food with cigarette ashes, but she started it, anyway. [b]Hope:[/b] Convinced that his name isn't actually "Hope". And if it is...let's just say that Katerina would think that would explain a few things. He's a nice enough fellow for her, and is pretty handy with summoning, too. Though, Katerina has her boundaries and needs her space from time to time -- he's come awfully close to interloping upon those boundaries, and he might find out the hard way that Katerina has her set of rules that most people seem to get. Hope won't win over any favors with her with this mother hen-ing.