Ember's face contorted at the hysterical outbursts of the woman. He had not made her acquaintance, but her behavior rubbed him raw, and his nerves were shot to begin with. This woman being a rabid contrarian out of wild, uncontrolled fear and doubt would imperil all of them, not just herself or her child. He hated the idea of stealing Sonia's thunder; robbing her of the chance to take charge of this situation, as was required for there to be any hope of their living long enough to be rescued-- but permitting this transgression was not something to be entertained, no matter his foibles. He would formally apologize later, in private. Perhaps in public too, if it was necessitated. People could be dumb cattle some times. He waited a moment, sucking in an angry breath, to see how Sonia would handle this, then gripped his wand and stood up...