As the draconic digimon pounced upon the strange D’Arcmon-like creature who had so generously and obliviously offered themself up as their next meal, it had dimly expected an experience much like that of the other strange beast from before. Digital prey was hardly unsatisfying, but as their taste lingered the dragon’s ravenous hunger deepened; there was something about these creatures that spurred it to go beyond and [i]eat its fill[/i]. That rapture, however, was disturbed as something moved with breakneck speed into the path of its attack; and as its jaws snapped shut, what was torn from the creature before it was not the intoxicating meat of before, but something more mundane. The beast ran its tongue over the torn flesh to confirm, and as it dissolved into code in its very mouth, it growled and narrowed its eyes to focus its struggling vision upon the being that had put themself between it and its meal. Once the sudden obscuring light about their form faded, there was no mistaking the wounded Renamon for anything else, nor the severity of the wound left upon them even as the attack forced them to revert. So it wasn’t alone in this strange space. The other Digimon seemed to have taken an interest in the creature it had tried to snap up; perhaps they had been stalking the creature themself, and wasn’t content to let their prey go without a fight. A low sound halfway between the growl of a prehistoric beast and the rumble of an engine rolled out from its jaws, challenging the Renamon to take what it had claimed- [b]"Pinewood Pummel!!"[/b] In the past, the beast had been hit numerous times by trees as it rammed through the vegetation, with them falling upon it as they were bent and snapped from their trunks by its rampage, but they had done little but tickle its thick hide. This managed a little more than that; this time the splinters of wood that came flying at it from a distance came with sufficient force to embed themselves between oily scales and sting into the flesh beneath. With speed unbecoming of such a vast form and sufficient force to kick up a dense cloud of debris with the tremorous impact of its claws against the ground, the dragon turned with a snarl towards the interloper. This digimon was... different. It was reminiscent of an Ogremon, but something about its coloring and proportions were all wrong. It snapped its jaws in irritation at the new digimon, only to then register something large and heavy hitting the ground nearby, past the not-Ogremon. Yet another digimon. Bloodlust briefly abated, instincts superseding the beast’s desire to gorge upon the strange meat of the D’Arcmon-like creature. Regardless of the alluring flavours still dancing upon its tongue, this was wholly too much of a struggle for such a meagre meal. Were it more desperate, it’d be happy to tear these other digimon to shreds and feast on them after setting upon the peculiar morsel. Was it desperate yet? It closed its eyes, focusing on the minute tremors of the ground and smashing its tail into the ground to kick up further debris and dust for cover. What else was around? There. To the south. At least two moving forms that seemed unaware of its presence. And though it couldn’t be sure, the way in which their movement disturbed the ground beneath them was much like that of the D’Arcmon-like creature. Without a single moment of hesitation, its second set of arms stretched, flinging the log off towards the Renamon and D’Arcmon-like entity through the debris cloud. The others could have them, provided they were willing to scrape their pulped remains off the ground and the tree’s bark. Both sets of arms flexed before it began to dig. By the time the dust settled, the Groundramon had left only a massive crater of a hole in the middle of the trail. -- For a digimon literally made to burrow through bedrock and caverns, the real problem was digging deep enough to prevent collapse before it reached its prey. The path had already begun to collapse behind it, and the lizard-like monster adjusted itself. The sources of the vibrations had yet to move away, and it picked up speed, readying a charge- Behind Riku, Ryan, and Terriermon, the ground exploded in rock, dirt clumps, and dust. The earth shook, and a fissure, maybe 12 meters long and 4 meters wide, now blocked the trail from the rest of the city. One well-muscled arm swatted at Riku as if he were little more than an insect. Another curled behind Ryan and Terriermon as an enormous jaw snapped at the two.