Well, ain't this just lovely. These people cant be awake for more than an hour and they started fighting already. Verdant's inner scale tilted toward abandoning the group, but since she's already here might as well stick around for a bit longer. [b][color=#38b000]"Fuck's going on here?"[/color][/b] She asked the nearest person, having crept close enough to converse while everyone's attention was on the commotion. One would've expected the offensively bright orange of her makeshift sackcloth to attract more attention on the approach, but everyone's probably too exhausted or something. The snake took another bite of her fish. As human as she looked on the outside, she still shared some overlap to the serpentine ancestry - among other things, her digestion was way less fussy than a human could ever be. Tasted like crap though. Tastebuds can be such a disadvantage at times, but beggar cant be chooser.