[Center] [Color=6699cc]Ghiar[/color] ♎ ♎ ♎ [/center] [Indent] [color=808080]Ghiar seemed comfortable talking to Anya and smiled with her positive reactions to him being a 'star-child'. Being asked about space, he seemed to perk up and get chatty about the question, "[color=6699cc]I was created among the stars and lived there for years with my creators. They helped and guided me through most of my abilities. It is completely a different living with the stars and planets. I don't think I could explain it without sitting down and renting for hours,[/color]" he explained, since he truly didn't know how to put that experience in simple words. He would show her if he could. Glancing down at himself, he thought about it for a few seconds before responding to Anya, "[color=6699cc]Most of the time I reflect the emotions I am feeling. Colors are associated with emotions, they appear as splotches around my body. I am pretty sure yellow resembles happiness or positive feelings. It fades unless that emotion stays strong,[/color]" he explained while taking his monochrome skin into consideration. He knew that it was a big tell of how he felt, but he was used to the reactions of others. Glancing over to the two at the other table, Anya seemed interested or maybe concerned with them. Ghiar shrugged at her question, since he wasn't paying attention to their interactions. He has never met the other two characters, so he had no past experience with them either. Considering his words carefully, he replied "[color=6699cc]I am not sure. I haven't really been paying attention to them,[/color]" he stated while glancing back at Anya. "[Color=6699cc]We can go see if they are okay or not, if you want me to,[/color]" Ghiar did not mind walking up to others and starting a conversation. He wasn't too shy and if someone was showing concern, he would check it out with limitations. [/color][@Marmalised Junk] [/indent]