Liam went next. Dreepy timidly floated behind him. Alister sent out G. Yamask first while Liam sent out Flapple. "Leech Seed!" Liam ordered. The Pokemon was seeded. Yamask responded with Brutal Swing. The shiny dragon was hit by the move and Leech Seed sucked some health away. "Use Grav Apple," Liam ordered. An apple feel from high above, striking Galarian Yamask for considerable damage. "Use, Disable," Alister commanded, putting a temporary stop to the STAB Super Effective move. Leech Seed zapped more health away. "Dragon Pulse!" Flapple launched the attack, but missed. Yamask used Brutal Swing and got a critical hit, lowering Flapple's attack low enough to activate the Orren Berry it held, which had a boosted effect due to Flapple's ability, Gluttony. "Use Acrobatics!" The attack did extra damage since Flapple no longer had a hold item. But, as Flapple made contact, a black aura went from Yamask, to Flapple and back. Liam was surprised by that and Allister explained that it was Yamask's ability. Liam looked it up in his Pokedex. "[i]Yamask, Galarian Form has the ability: Wandering Spirit. When a pokemon with the ability takes a physical hit, it swaps abilities with the one who hit it.[/i]" "Yamask, Hex!" Allister called. This attack hit and KO'd Flapple. Liam next sent out Beckham. Leech Seed took the last of Yamask's health and it was replaced with a Mimikyu. "Flame Charge!" Liam ordered. The Raboot charged forward with the attack and broke the disguise. "Hone Claws," Allister commanded. Mimikyu sharpened its talons, getting a buff to its attack and accuracy. "Ember!" Liam ordered. The attack got a burn on Mimikyu. Mimikyu used Hone Claws again. Liam called for Agility, allowing Beckham's speed to be buffed. Allister called for Hone Claws one final time. The burns had taken a decent chunk of Mimikyu's health when Allister called out for Slash. Beckham was hit with a critical hit, but used the chance to score a direct hit with Ember, getting a KO. Allister sent out Curesola next. Liam was about to give Beckham an order when Dreepy began to float in front of Liam's face. "You want to fight?" Liam asked, Dreepy nodded in confirmation. Liam called to Beckham to come back. Beckham drudged back, obviously a bit upset he didn't get to continue. "Curse!" Alister called. Curesola sacrificed a chunk of its health bar to place a curse on Dreepy. "Infestation!" Liam called. A swarm of bugs took refuse in the opposing ghost, locking it into battle. "Ancient Power!" Alister called. "Sucker Punch!" Liam interrupted. Dreepy quickly jabbed Curesola in its figurative gut, activating Weak Armor, lowering its DEF, but sharply raising its SPD. Yamask then did its attack, getting the omniboost. Curse and Infestation take their course (2 of 5) "Double Team!" Liam called. Multiple copies of Dreepy appeared on the field. Curesola tried to attack with Ancient Power, hitting a duplicate. (Curse, Infest 3 of 5) Liam called for Double Team again as Curesola used Hex, hitting another clone. (Curse/Infest [4 of 5]) Liam knew Dreepy wouldn't last much longer. "Use Rest!" Dreepy went to sleep and restored its health, waking up instantly since it snuck a Berry from Liam's pack when he wasn't looking. Curesola managed to hit with Ancient Power this time, but got no boost. Infestation took its final toll on Curesola. Liam called for Bite, scoring a hit and KO'ing Curesola. ALister sent out his final Pokemon, Gengar. Liam called for Baton Pass Dreepy's clones merged into a floating baton as he returned to his ball. Beckham ran back out and grabbed the baton, spawning the same number of clones. In unison, Liam and Alister recalled their pokwmon as the Dynamax bands activated. The Pokemon remerged with Beckham Dynamaxed and Gengar Gigantamaxed. Allister called for Max Ooze to be used as Liam called for Max Flare. Beckahm's Sp Atk went down and intense sunlight began to rain on the field, effectively negating the debuff on Beckham, if he's using a fire move. (Dyna 1, Sun 1) Liam next called for Max airstream, which hit boosting his SPD, but Gengar's Cursed Body activated, disabling the move. Allister called for Gmax Terror. Beckham could not be recalled. (Dyna/Sun2) Liam called for Max Darkness, getting a good hit and lowering the Gengar's Sp Def in the process. Gengar used one last Max Ooze. Both Pokemon returned to their normal sizes. Beckham was clearly in worse shape of the two. Gengar launched a Shadow Ball, and made a direct hit on the real Beckham. "Ra...Ra-Raboooooooooooooot!!" Beckham was engulfed in blinding white light, seemingly even more so than usual due to how dimly lit this gym was. He changed form into a taller and more humanoid rabbit. "Cin-Cinderace!" Beckham called. "[i]Cinderace, the Striker Pokemon. A Fire-Type and the fully evolved form of Scorbunny. It juggles a pebble with its feet, turning it into a burning soccer ball. Its shots strike opponents hard and leave them scorched. It's skilled at both offense and defense, and it gets pumped up when cheered on. But if it starts showboating, it could put itself in a tough spot.[/i]" Beckham then did its signature move, Pyro Ball while it was met with another Shadow Ball. Beckham saw out of the corner of his eye that Dreepy was watching with huge eyes as the blasts hit. Gengar survived but barely and Beckham was on the ground, and offically declared "unable to continue" Beckham weakly drudged back over to Liam's side and gently pet Dreepy on the head, and made a "go get'em gesture before sitting down next to his trainer." Dreepy flew back out to take Beckham's place. "Shadow Ball," Alister commanded. "Use Bite!" Liam called out. Dreepy managed to avoid the attack and connected with its own. Gengar survived and used Hex. The attack hit but Dreep y remained up, it launched one last Bite and won, earning Liam the Ghost Badge. He shook Alister's hand after getting the badge. He praised Dreepy for its hard work, and for coming out of its shell. He recalled it and turned to Beckham who was still sitting there. "First off, congratulations on the evolution Beckham." Liam said with a smile. "But, I want you to level with me. Did you take a fall on purpose for Dreepy?" "Beckham nervously chuckled as he looked away from Liam and blushed. "You really are sweet, you know that?" Liam asked. "Cin!" Beckham replied as he jumped up onto his feet and hopped in place while shadowboxing."