Ember had heard enough. Sonia was trying honey, when what was needed was a bear. There was no reasoning with superstition and fear. Sucking in his upper lip, he forced an iron composure on himself, then did his best to stride, (rather than stumble and stagger), toward Sonia and the unnamed woman, allowing his countenance to grow frightful and bewitching, working the more subtle of the magics involved in magical persuasion to fall into place around him. His appearance did not change at all, but the perception he was something powerful, eldritch, and otherworldly grew. In the few moments it took to cross the distance, it had reached about as much strength as he had to muster, and he hoped it would do. 'Madam.' He said sharp and flat, the magic wriggling itself into the spoken words, turning them into a vehicle that drove them past the woman's defenses. 'Listen to the woman, if you know what's good for you-- There's only ONE witch around here, and it's ME.' Terror gripped the woman like a vice, as pallor bloomed on her overexerted face. She made futile attempts at the talisman around her neck. 'That wont help you much here, madam.' Ember continued, pouring more strength into the invisible aura of terror he was projecting. 'Be careful throwing false accusations of witchcraft, my dear-- you might attract a real one, and they arent always as ... nice... as I.' He relaxed the aura slightly before continuing. 'Madam. Powerful as even I am, i recognise when my talents are insufficient. The nice lady with the horns and piercing eyes, is just the sort we need--' Protest and riteous anger welled in the woman's face, threatenting to overpower the magically induced terror trance, so he turned it back up again. 'Disbelieve it all you want, but it is so, Sonia here--Yes, she has a name, dahling-- is not magically inclined. That's MY speciality. No, she's a professional huntress, fur trapper, and monster hunter. The things that strike terror in the night? She dispatches them. It is often said that the divine works in mysterious ways, and that there is nothing that cannot be bent to serve its will. Does it not occur to you, that perhaps your prayer has been answered, and you are sending away your 'miracle'?' Once more, he relaxed the aura slightly, giving the woman's mind just enough room to move again. 'Isn't curious, that when you washed up on this beach, you would find a person who is not only naturally hard to knock down, resistent to thirst or hunger, and most importantly of all, posessing the very skills needed to provide you with food, water, shelter, and those needed to find your missing gentleman?' He relaxed the aura just a little more. 'Sure sounds like 'divine providence' to me...' Then, just a little more. 'But what would I know about omens... i'm just a 'witch'.' Then he relaxed it even more, now just berely projecting hidden menace. 'This nice woman may well be your ticket off this cursed island. I can guarantee you, life will be most harsh if you reject your 'miracle' dahling. I strongly suggest, that if she tells you to do something, you [i]listen.[/i] He turned to walk away, back up the beach, craneing his head over his shoulder. 'And if you positively MUST be in abject terror of somebody trying to help you, be in terror of the correct one. Terror is a horrid thing, and a powerful weapon, when weilded by those who know how. You would be well served, not to use that word in my presence again. Better served still, to overcome your fear entirely. Now stop endangering all of us with your disharmony, and come have a drink. Sonia found us some coconuts. I shall open one for you....DONT make me compell you again. We shall search for your man later.' Then he released the aura completely, feeling the exertion of the effort taking its toll, but concealing it, as he once more, fought his body, harder this time, to 'stride' up the beach, and back to the encampment, leaving the woman and child in Sonia's company. He would apologise to Sonia in private later.