Looking for some superhero fun - looking for a Captain America (Steve Rogers) for my OC [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/11bd/i/2013/142/f/4/stella_nox_fleuret_by_unknownimouz15-d668mxz.png]Valkyrie[/url]. [img]https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ed6a2986e8560446cef20a5e0ce5e102[/img] [hider=Valkyrie CS] Name: Victoria Starlight. AKA Valkyrie, Princess of Asgard. Her abilities are of all Asgardians, lifting upto 45 tonnes and possesses magical properties including some transmutational powers similar to that of Loki. She also has swordsmanship combat training, equalled only by Lady Sif in strength and skill. Personality traits - she is insightful, empathetic, intelligent and has a kind, caring heart. Although she is prone to being emotional, especially where she sees injustice, she can get very passionate and angry. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/11bd/i/2013/142/f/4/stella_nox_fleuret_by_unknownimouz15-d668mxz.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Superhero Costume] [img]http://posercontent.com/sites/default/files/products/15/0804/0404/1-valkyrie-outfit-riders-text.jpg [/img] [/hider] History: Sigyn or Siguna meaning “Victorious Girlfriend”. Daughter of Freya. Niece to Frigga and Odin through Freya's marriage to Odin's brother Ve. Cousin to Thor and Loki. Sigyn lived a normal Asgardian life, growing up with Sif, Thor, Loki, the Enchantress Amora and the Warriors Three being of all similar ages. She received the same level of training Lady Sif was given and the two were equalled as warriors. Sif, Amora and herself were close friends and inseparable, training together, attending parties together. Amora was always jealous of Sif and completely besotted with Thor, even though Thor was ignorant of hers and Sif's feelings for him also. Sigyn always found to like Loki, better of the two siblings, Thor was arrogance and cockiness whereas Loki was reserved and witty. He always made her laugh. During Loki's exile, she felt sad that she would never hear his jokes again. Thor comforted her best he could. After Sigyn learned of Loki's return when he tried to invade Midgard/Earth, she was relieved he was alive but also very angry with him. She helped Thor retrieve the God of Mischief, meeting the Avengers for the first time during their first skirmish with the Joturi. Upon their arrival back into Asgard and Loki was imprisoned, she was kept away from him by her uncle Odin. When Malekith invaded her home she fought off the dark elven army best she could with the Asgardians but was too late to save her aunt Frigga. She urged Odin to let Loki out to at least attend his mother's funeral, but he refused. And when Sigyn learned of Loki's “death” she fell depressed again that she couldn't help save him. And then she left to join the Avengers full time and became the Valkyrie and chose the Earth name of Victoria, starting a completely new life. Steve, AKA Captain America became her shoulder to cry on. She assisted him in his search for Bucky and they became friends. She in turn comforted him with his loss of Peggy. After the destruction of Asgard, the death of Odin and the real death of Loki and then the Infinity War, the balance of life and death became unstable with the realm of the dead unable to cope with the sudden influx of souls. The job fell to Valkyrie to protect what was left of Asgard with the help of Brunhilde, becoming Queen of Asgard. [/hider]