So for the many people that have presented interest, I want to say I see you all and am doing work in my free time to build the ideas up. Dont expect it in the next couple days, more like a week or two. I just dont want yall to be waiting the entire time. I will also tag every party that was interested when I post the next part of the project. On that note a few questions for people. Which would you prefer? To make all choices like digimon line, evolutions, crests, capabilities, etc. yourself before the roleplay begins? Like a semi-planned adventure. or To discovers these things and what they mean as they happen in the story? Like a blind adventure of sorts. Where I will choose partners, crests, etc. for your story, with obvious influence from yourselves. I dont want to ruin someones experience with a choice they absolutely dont approve of. or A hybrid version of these. Where you are presented minimal information to begin with and make decisions with like crest partner and such, and what some of these decisions impact later in the story and what you can do. For example, say a crest comes with a weapon. You choose the crest of courage, but dont find out until you get the crest in rp that the crest's weapon is a javelin. Keep in mind we have enough people to do two whole roleplays lol