[@PaulHaynek][@AzureKnight] [quote] "..." Takeshi wanted to go with Lunatea and the Hangai sisters. But he could not stop thinking about Gringor and Alice, less so for their wellbeing and more of the damage they might cause. It would be fine if their wraths were unleashed upon the wicked Varjans, but there were still innocent Shizuyamans out there. "I'll go with them. Make sure they don't cause too much trouble." The young Oja decided. His honest talk with the spider yokai would have to wait for now. "I'll... ask Ayu to clean, or have someone else clean, this mess later. Take care of yourselves." Nodding at the girls, Takeshi went off. [/quote] "Well, suit yourself." Lunatea told him with a firm look. "Just don't expect them to act reasonable." [quote] Meeting up with Sorae, the last Tokinomiya was unamused at the sight of her Lord Takeshi chasing after the two taskforce members. "Is there a problem with your little taskforce, yokai?" She immediately inquired, quite aggressively. "You had better not be abusing the young master's trust, lest his disappointment be the least of your worries." [/quote] Lunatea sent a glare towards Sorae before letting out a defeated sigh. "Some of us can be... hot-tempered, I'm afraid. I don't believe it will be a problem but you have to give them space to let out steam." [quote] "Umm. We apologize on behalf of our teammates, Sorae-san. Some of our members have very 'strong' personalities, we'll say, but we actually all work well as a team. I promise it's nothing to worry about, honest!" Hinami said in an upbeat tone, attempting to ease Sorae's ire. [/quote] Lunatea nodded in agreement at Hinami's statement. "Very aptly put, Miss Hinami." [quote] "Anyway, I found a letter in that inn we attacked. Came from a name, 'Sogen'." Sorae spat the name out with absolute disdain. "He's the head of Ruko Farmstead. And... a servant of Clan Tokinomiya." She calmed her rage by shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose. "Ungrateful traitor..." [/quote] Lunatea raised an eyebrow at her hostile tone but opted not to say anything. Human relationships can be complicated and she would rather not touch that bee hive with a ten-foot stick. [quote] "Indeed." Atsuha chimed in. "As we aided you in the last excursion, we will of course lend it again for this one. All three of us are ready to depart whenever you are. We will find this Sogen character and ensure that he answers for his crimes." [/quote] [i] Answer for his crimes, huh? Since when a scholar like me is responsible for that kind of thing? I'm no judge... Oh well... it can't be helped, I suppose... And he did do something terrible in any monster's standards... [/i] [quote] Sorae said nothing more about Takeshi and the two other yokai, immediately focusing on the business at hand. "Sogen is competent. He knows how to hide his tracks well, but his brother Dosan... not so much. I just saw him cart food for the refugees here." The woman then sported the most unsettling smile. "We will take what I need from him." [/quote] [i] Sheesh, what an unsettling smile... humans really can be scary creatures, even more than us demons... [/i] --- [quote] "He's completely oblivious to us. Once we get near enough, jump him." Sorae said to the taskforce trio. Although, the taskforce could suggest something else to the vengeful woman. Maybe they need not ambush Dosan, considering his route might lead them to a hideout. And they should also consider that Sorae might... lose control again. [/quote] "Do we have to ambush him right away?" Lunatea argued. "We can just follow him to his hideout, no?" "And please refrain yourself from killing him before we get the information we need."