[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RaAws7Y.png[/img] [h3][b][color=a55fb8]L[/color]ILAC [color=a55fb8]S[/color]HIMMER[/b][/h3][/center] Lilac leaned low on a balcony railing, her chin wresting on her her arms as she looked out into the distance. It really didn't matter how many combo attacks she worked up with her partner, if her partner didn't want to go on missions with her. [color=a55fb8]~No doubt the other magical girls are out there right now, defeating evil and being what they were supposed to. While I stay here, trying to figure out combo attacks. Dynasty Queen is just... well, so much of a free spirit. Why come up with combo attacks if you know ever battle's just gonna be freestyling?~[/color] [color=a55fb8]"Heh, I guess it kinda fits that the Monkey King Grimoire user wouldn't be the most amazing team player who follows orders."[/color] Lilac tried to find what positives she could in the situation, glancing down to see said magical girl chucking rocks at a tree. She took a breath, looking out at the city, [color=a55fb8]"Maybe I should take some extra shifts to keep busy?"[/color] Lilac eyes picked up the movement of Tesni heading into the building. [color=a55fb8]"I could invite Tesni too, so we could develop combo moves like 'sunny side up eggs with pancakes and bacon with a smile!'"[/color] The thought of imagining Tesni in a maid outfit with her at the cafe brought a genuine smile. For a moment. Then she looked out at the city, and dreamed of the magical girl she wished she was.