[@Zyx] & Young Server boy. [i]”Th, thank you.”[/i] The young boy stammers. His eyes not leaving the cup precariously balancing on a small plate in his hand, as if trying to use sheer will alone to keep the glowing boiling liquid in its container. After a few more careful feet of movement he slowly slides the plate down onto an empty table only to look up and around, noticing the intended recipient is now gone. Defeated he frowns and stands idly lost. His eyes soon drift back to the fox-masked lady and Clay [@aia2022] and Clay. [i]”Honestly, never thought to try ask for anything else.”[/i] Clay says with a look of surprise and a tone of truth. [i]”Lets give it a go.”[/i] He leans forward excitedly with a grin as his gaze sweeps from Lavender to the nervous little imp that looks like it wants to be anywhere but where it currently is. [i]”Who’s incited the wrath of our angry little Fire Fox?”[/i] Clay asks teasingly.