There wasn't really much for Isabelle to do right now besides reflect on the current developments ... and maybe squirm a little. The ancestor spirit! Talking to her! She was familiar with them, in theory at least - those miracles of consciousness and nanotech, preserved for generations. But she'd never heard of one out here. As much as it was tempting to just keep clutching to Solarel and let the world continue on around her, it was time to get back in the game. Inside, those Isabelles started getting things organised again. The thrown papers were cleared, the big table in the middle swept clean. The Isabelles that had passed out were being brought round and the glasses and checklists brought out once more. This was a mystery that would need her full attention. The proceedings were interrupted as one Isabelle sprinted into the hall, a ream of printout in her hands. All heads turned to her, wondering what discovery warranted the display of impropriety. Into the silence, the Isabelle proclaimed: "She's touching our [i]butt!![/i]" Bedlam resumed.