[b]On Euna Kim[/b] It was a concert, actually. Not FAEWYL-D; the world doesn’t line up so exactly. [i]d’Aulnoy in December,[/i] actually. They’d bonded over their hands. There’s a distinct difference, at the end of the day, between someone who chose to upgrade her body because it was the next step in her career (and, to be honest, a bit of youthful [i]from the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh,[/i] as it goes) and someone who had to have full limb replacement done as a kid. Euna didn’t let that worry her, though, as far as 3V could tell. And Euna was really good at showing her how to exercise her hands (but not in a sexual way, get your minds out of the gutter). She swings by the gym to exercise every so often, and to chill with Euna, who is most definitely one of her fav peoples on all of Aevum. Tomorrow. She’ll roll by tomorrow. Ask, out of professional curiosity. This is a thought she can afford to explore at her own pace, after all. [hr] [b]Girlfriend![/b] “There are many distinct [i]evolutionary branches[/i] of Draculas.” 3V is so incredibly serious. Ignore the smile. “The flying heads evolved in tropical jungles out of a need to conserve energy. Smaller body means less risk of passing out bloodlessly and not waking up before dawn. Did you know that not all Draculas are even animals? Watermelon Draculas. Pumpkin Draculas. Sadly, no one ever seems to use the rich vein of Pumpkin Dracula imagery around Halloween. It’s all superheroes.” Oh no. Oh no what is this. Is this a Scions of Zalmaxis starter kit she is sliding out of a display. Is this a bunch of Dacians with sickles led by Blood God Draculas, who also have giant snakes which [i]might[/i] be dragonish if you look at them right. Why, so it is. What is the use of having a girlfriend if not to encourage her to make an occasional Enrichment Purchase? Besides, funds acquired this way can be earmarked for dates later. But mostly? 3V just really likes it when people nerd out over mythology and miniatures games.