[Center] [Color=6699cc][h2]Ghiar[/h2][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI28ff5rZvc&t=166s]♎ ♎ ♎[/url] [/center] [Indent] [color=808080] Ghiar seemed to have a mischievous smirk appear on his face when the man stated it was not by chance that he worked here and how he could assist the other. The darker hues on the gray man's body seemed to move in different patterns when he was within a certain distance of Dorian, he was made of shadows along with much more. He took a mental note of his body's reaction. Looking into the other man's eyes, he seemed to be thinking for a second before speaking, "[color=6699cc]I was curious if you would know if this place was hiring or any place for that matter,[/color]" he knew that he couldn't teleport away from this place for a decent amount of time, he used most of his energy getting himself here on accident. "[color=6699cc]I appeared here with nothing except what was on my person,[/color]" he gestured to himself. Ghiar was only wearing an off-white dress shirt that had the first few buttons undone along with dark slacks. There were a few things in his pockets, but they were practically useless. [@Dark Light] [/color] [/indent]