"I wonder," Netherlu said as he gazed in the direction of Andy and Frosiien. "We know we can make offspring with another Pokémon. I don't recall any of us ever with a human. Would offspring even be possible?" His gaze shifted to Michael and Niccia and grinned. "I suppose we'll find out in due time." He picked up Lytse. "Keep me informed." [i]"Ehh, sure?"[/i] Lytse commented, unsure if he could keep that promise, but Ho-oh seemed to want to hear that. He was lowered on Netherlu's in red leather covered lap and sat down. Ho-oh was kinder than he had imagined. "Hey," Netherlu suddenly commented. "I was a late arrival, but I still wasn't the last to show up." He grinned. "I don't know how I feel about that." Michael wrote everything down. "Aether Foundation..." he repeated. "I have heard that name before, but I don't know anything about them." Living on a remote island group, he knew he wasn't up to date with lots of what happened in the bigger regions. If he wouldn't have a researcher who travelled the known regions as uncle he probably wouldn't even have known the name. "I think my uncle mentioned them once, but I don't know anything about them. He didn't seem overly enthusiastic about them." Andy watched them for a moment as Kim moved her tail for the new Mew to grab it. A unique experience to see a newly hatched legend like this. Not that he had ever seen a real Mew in their actual form to compare it with, but this was cute. How long would it take for this one to develop to a full-grown Mew? Although, he thought to himself with a grin, that wouldn't require a lot of growing. "Cresselia," he suddenly said. "Maybe you can introduce me to Cresselia?" Harcu chuckled. "I can do that," he said and after a final glance at their father he walked away to mingle, as Watcher had suggested. He noticed Gavin stood by himself and he walked over to him. "Are you enjoying yourself a bit?" he asked him. "Oh, no, I'm fine," Mindy said, finally able to answer one question that was asked her. "Everyone here is so kind. One of the firs I met was Penalopy." She smiled as she thought back to the first encounter. "I did travel with Niccia for a bit, but not that long. She spent a lot more time with Michael," she added, gesturing with her head to where they were standing.