[hider=Syn (Jumper)] [quote] [color=white] [center] [h3]◈◈ Syn ◈◈[/h3] Male || Ancient || Anshin'in [i]“Life's just one big story, and I live it not for the sake of a happy end, but an amusing one.”[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [h3]Personality[/h3] Syn is best described as having blue-and-orange morality, since he sees no wrong in doing whatever he pleases to the world and people around him. This is due entirely to the fact that, from his point of view, everything that exists is nothing more than a work of pure fiction. One he has surpassed by virtue of the powers he has been given over the course of his, admittedly short, chain. It is for this reason that he does as he pleases, regardless of whom it might affect or hurt. This has led many people to think him evil, when in reality he is not. For to call him such would be akin to calling a person who enjoys playing violent video games a murderer, when in truth they are no such thing, since the “people” they have slaughtered are nothing more than NPCs. Scripts guiding 3D models along predetermined paths and through pre-scripted routines–which are endless in their repetition–while the entire scenario itself is nothing more than harmless entertainment… Entertainment that has zero bearing on empirical reality. Still, the majority of what Syn does he does for his own amusement. Which is why he doesn’t often go on senseless killing sprees or indulge in baser desires and extremely depraved acts. He wants to enjoy a good story, take part in a compelling narrative, instead of simply solving everyone’s problems outright or reducing everyone he meets to a mindless pleasure toy. It’s also why he prefers to limit the amount of power he uses in a confrontation, as he wishes to engage in comparatively fair fights against equally-skilled opponents. For there is little entertainment to be found in completely annihilating every threat one comes across. He doesn’t have a preference for or against companionship, and views those who do wish to travel with him as toys that are just the tiniest bit more special than the rest, especially if they manage to endear themselves to him. After all, every story has its fan favorite character or authorial pet. In the end though, he is more than capable of leaving them to die should the story or moment call for it. The only time he makes an exception to this rule is in regards to matters which concern his family, or at least the one he was inserted into at the start of his chain anyway. Then again, he makes a lot of exceptions when it comes to his little sister Ajimu, though the reason for this is unknown. Perhaps it’s because she’s similar to him in terms of existential nature, perhaps it’s because of a genuine familial bond, or perhaps it’s for some other reason entirely. Whatever the case may be, Syn cares for her deeply, and should anyone actually try to harm her then they’ll find themselves on the receiving end of his wrath. Which is a very unfortunate place for [i]anyone[/i] to be, regardless of their current existential status, as even fates worse than death cannot keep Syn from enacting his vengeance. [h3]Supplements[/h3] [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N65_yQrDwkbmQNMNBdmF62_CAbvnfLIN/view?usp=sharing][b]Cosmic Warehouse[/b][/url] - Fully Upgraded. [url=https://imgur.com/a/jbvtMWL][b]Jumpchain Meta Supplement[/b][/url] - Jumper Cheat Codes. [h3]Primary Chain[/h3] [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LCsep6npnXSzbh_3bD2QbVUfSu4DuGjT/view?usp=sharing][b][u]Medaka Box Abnormal[/u][/b][/url] [hider=Locations] [b]Hakoniwa Academy:[/b] A vast campus with dozens of different buildings of huge size, all centered around a massive tower that rises from the center of the campus. Hakoniwa Academy is the most advanced school on the planet, even ignoring its’ dealings with the Abnormal, and it gives only the best to its students. Encouraging independence and ambition, countless student committees and clubs have sprung up around campus and carry out their wonderful daily high school lives. Beneath the tower lies the many levels of the underground base where the current incarnation of the Flask Plan is being researched but it shouldn’t matter to you too much for a few weeks yet. [/hider] [hider=Origins] [b]Not Equal:[/b] You are one of the creations of Ajimu Najimi, the godlike true creator of the Flask Plan. Created to act as one of her agents in Hakoniwa Academy, you’ve never been called into duty and thus have simply enjoyed your happy school life so far. You’ve got none of the attitude problems of the other origins but you may find yourself pressed into work alongside some fellow Not Equals later on. You’ve got 200 CP to spend on the Power section for Not Equal powers only. [/hider] [hider=Perks] [b]Medaka Sue [1200]:[/b] Could there be any being as perfect as you? Only the youngest Kurokami heiress can match your natural abilities, all of which are described below. Your body, mind and spirit are all incredibly far beyond even the peak of human capability. You possess superhuman ability in adaptability, agility, analysis, awareness, attractiveness, balance, calculation, charisma, cognition, combat, competence, coordination, deduction, dexterity, durability, eloquence, endurance, flexibility, instinct, intelligence, intuition, invincibility, leadership, memory, meta-luck, mimicry, perception, persuasion, reasoning, reflexes, regeneration, senses, speed, strength, tactics, vitality, and willpower. To illustrate the sheer level of each of these traits, some examples follow. Your speed allows you to travel at Mach 20 with no training at all, strength enough to pull thousands of tons just by walking forward, charisma enough to get 98% of a student vote to become student president, regeneration to heal every single bone in your body from shattered to full health in ninety seconds and so on. These attributes will also scale up in the case of non-human species that have greater baselines for their average. Your learning rate is perhaps your most shocking ability. You are able to perfectly learn, memorize, recall, understand, master, and utilize anything and any skill by experiencing or observing it once, within seconds. Even things that take years or even decades for prodigies to learn, you can master, truly master, in just a few seconds. You also have no limitations on how far you can grow or learn, able to improve all skills and attributes and abilities without limit and with no loss in speed. You have total control over all parts of your body, including muscles, bones, flesh, blood, organs, nerves, hair, and veins. All of these can be consciously or subconsciously controlled, moved or adjusted, including improving them through thought to inhuman levels. This control is precise to an atomic level. This also allows you to be immune to any forced control of your physical body. Finally, you have a series of super modes that you can unlock over time. Each one greatly boosts the power of your physical abilities and all of your powers, though at first your initial mode will drive you to a mad fury whilst in it. As you grow and learn to use these, you will be able to retain control of your temper and even all other aspects of yourself, rendering you immune to any attempt to control your mind or body or spirit. Eventually you may even be able to keep yourself permanently within this form or to unlock new, unheard of forms based on the powers you have or that you encounter. [hr][hr] [b]The Legendary Hero [1200]:[/b] You were born as a being with the power and destiny to both save the world and to destroy it. Your physical form is far beyond any human’s. You have the power to destroy the moon in a single blow, to travel faster than light with just your own two feet and several more unique powers on top. The first, imbuing your power into other objects. With this you can use your full power through anything you pick up. A flicked rubber band would hit with the greatest amount of power you could put out with a punch. You could poke someone with a pencil and blow a hole clean through them. Even the air around you can be used, a puff of air turning into a wave of destruction when it originates from you. The second, a great defense against all powers. No supernatural or superhuman ability, no matter how strong or strange, can affect you unless you allow it too. From simple super strength or attacking with the elements to the esoteric, such as warping reality or attempting to delete the concept of your existence, you are utterly unaffected. The sole exception are powers based in the power of language, spoken or written or signed abilities that work solely by being spoken or written or signed. The Styles of this world are one such example. In addition to this, once you have seen an attack against your person once, excepting one that is based in language as a Style is, it becomes useless and ineffective against you, as you cease to recognize it as an attack. Obviously, if it failed to kill you the first time, it is nothing more than a bug sting. The final, the irreversible action. Any action you take or change you make or damage you deal can be made permanent and irreversible by your will. Wounds you make will never be repaired or healed or changed at all, no matter what is attempted to change them, though language based powers will bypass this too. If you were to break someone’s will, it would remain broken for all eternity. You may reverse this at any time as you will, though it will automatically do so upon your death. This also has a secondary use, in that any attack that hits you will be broken permanently. Swords will be shattered, arms left twisted, techniques rendered powerless and so on. The greater the attack, the worse it will be broken. An ordinary sword might only be left bent and rusted but an indestructible sword of arcane might would be reduced to a pile of dust. [hr][hr] [b]Anshin’in [1200]:[/b] A mysterious being has appeared once more in this world. A being that can’t be called human yet looks like one. The second member of the Najimi family has appeared and it’s none other than yourself Jumper. But what’s this? You don’t have any powers yet. How strange for such a high-priced option. Perhaps you should wait a bit and see what appears to you. You see, the power of Anshin’in is not one that is immediately expressed but one that is infinite in time. The power to develop more powers, independently of anything else and at a rate that makes all things outside of it really quite silly. You automatically develop new Abnormalities at a rate of 3,779 new powers per year. That’s about 10 new powers every 24 hours. A stunning rate isn’t it? Not all powers are equal however. The vast majority of powers that you gain are ultra-specific to your immediate thoughts and wishes at the time and quite limited in ability. Looking at yourself in the mirror one morning and wishing you didn’t need to use a razor to shave would give you Rather Razor [The shave facial hair from faces with a thought power] while wishing you could punish the driver who cut you off in traffic later that morning may give you Back Wheel Burnout [The ruin the back wheels of any car you can see power]. Now and then, you can gain powers with greater scope and magnitude, especially if you are desperately needing them or have a great connection to the potential power. A lifelong pyromaniac stuck battling a foe in a dry forest has a good chance of developing Foolish Friendly Flames [The create and control fire power]. These good abilities are quite rare, especially if there’s no pressing need for them, and even more powerful abilities are even rarer. As you get older, in the scale of orders of magnitude older, better powers will begin to become more and more common for you to regularly develop. [hr][hr] [b]Trampling On Your Dignity [50]:[/b] If you’re going to send a message, you might as well do it in complete overkilling style. There’s really no other way to go about things. Whenever you want, you’re able to call up text in whatever font and size you want to float around you in the air, spelling out anything you want the words to spell out. [b]Clinging With Your Feet [50]:[/b] A very strange martial art is the discipline of clinging to walls and ceilings with your feet, allowing you to walk on them as if they were the ground. You’ve become a master of this art, to the point of being able to use it even when you’re wearing shoes or piloting a mecha. Gravity only holds you down when you want it to. Or when you jump and stop holding on with your feet. [b]I Wanna Be The Strongest Hero [800]:[/b] You’ve become the very star of the story. A regular Main Character. At least, you’ll be on the level of the current Main Character. This doesn’t confer any of the amazing power and talent that Medaka Kurokami has. Not at first anyway. Rather, you’ll find that taking on the role of a Main Character provides a wealth of benefits and challenges over time. Wherever you are, no matter the world, you’ll find yourself being dragged into and becoming an important part of the story. Becoming one of the first and most trusted allies of the protagonist, gaining hold of the McGuffin before anyone else does, being seen as the arch-villain by the hero, one way or another you’ll find yourself in a major position. This position will also result in you gaining many of the benefits that protagonists, mainly those of a Shonen manga bent, are likely to run into. Powerful and trusted friends and allies gather around you and you’ve got an honestly absurd ability to convert your former opponents into new friends. You’ll find yourself encountering useful and special items or being chosen as the student of some famous and powerful figure in the world. When you encounter adversity, you’ll also encounter potential ways to overcome that adversity such as new power ups or weapons or techniques. Not always but they will make a big difference. You’ll even find yourself to have quite a lot of luck during the start and middle of the story, what some might call plot armor, which greatly assists you in surviving and thriving, though this cannot stretch forever. Whichever world you find yourself in, you’ll see that you receive about the same number and value of advantages that the local protagonist would receive, though quite rarely will they actually be the same advantages the local guy got. A blessed hero makes for a blessed you, while one more down on his luck will see your benefits faltering to match. In this world, you’d be matched against Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, vice president of the student council. If you are willing to pay an additional 300 CP over this perks’ base price, you will receive the same sort of busted unfairness of a Main Character like Medaka Kurokami herself. No longer limited to the level of the local big man, you’ll find yourself showered in blessings equal to the Heroine of Heroines herself. Superb powers awakening in you, brilliant teachers taking you under their wing, riches and treasures and relics almost beyond imagining making their way into your hands. More fortunate than the local protagonist would be the least you could expect. Medaka doesn’t play by anyone’s rules and it looks like you don’t either. That said, this might push that poor fellow hero out of place as the protagonist entirely though, leaving only you to take the stage and them as your supporting character at best. However, a Main Character doesn’t just float through life without any issue. As much as all this above stuff on the level the local protagonist got is nice, you also have to deal with the bad side of being the lead of a story. The challenges, the threats, the danger. From threat to life and limb to threats to your goals and mental state, you’ll have to deal with an equivalent level and sort of threat as the other main hero you’re sharing a story with. After all, you’re one of the protagonists here now too. As a Main Character, you’ll also find that your plot armor and luck from this perk will often leave you as the story draws nearer to the climax, as that is the time when it becomes much more possible to defeat the hero or villain of the story for good. It’s not going to guarantee your defeat but it will make it a much less certain thing than what it may normally be. Those who are aware of these sort of genre conventions or their own fictional natures will also be able to sense that you are a Main Character. They might find you a little obnoxious for it. This perk’s effects can be toggled on or off at the start of each jump, including both benefits and drawbacks to it, but the decision must be kept until the start of the next jump. The capstone booster part is unaffected by this toggle. This perk also acts as a Capstone Booster to any of the 600 CP perks that are taken in this jump. These will be detailed in the Notes section at the end of this document. [hr][hr] [b]Choose Your Victory [100]:[/b] It might not be a perfect replacement for the feeling of being genuinely defeated but perhaps for your purposes, it might still suffice. You’re able to lose at anything you want and make that loss utterly convincing and genuine to all who see it. While you can lose at anything, this only applies to situations where you are genuinely losing. Trying to lose at losing and similar abuses will just see you fail overall instead of somehow pull out a win from nothing. [b]Call Me Anshin’in [100]:[/b] Names are important in any world, even those without supernatural word language powers. Just getting called what you feel is fitting can make all the difference to you on a bad day. You’re able to freely decide the name that everyone calls you, changing that knowledge that everyone you have met or knows your name has. If you want to suddenly be called something completely different to what you usually are, it won’t erase you from the minds of people that knew you before or make those who’d never heard your original name suddenly know you, but everyone who knew your name before will now believe your new name to be that original name. [b]Powerpedia [200]:[/b] The more you stack up, the more confusing it gets to keep them all sorted. You’re probably already in the habit of collecting a wide array of abilities and it’ll only get worse from here. So it’s good that you’re now able to not only have a complete awareness of every ability and power that you have at all times but also all of their potential uses and combinations with each other. Even creative, obscure combinations between two seemingly irrelevant powers are immediately revealed to you upon possessing both of them. [b]Flimsy Paper [200]:[/b] Never been much for a stable view on life or reality, you’ve got a sense for when the medium around you has changed. You’ve grown used to the constant feeling of creation as some author writes you into a story but when an unplanned change happens, you’re always aware of how and when that change has occurred. When someone warps or alters reality in the setting that you are in, you are instantly aware of that event’s time and place and what has been changed. [b]Concept Ball [400]:[/b] When two combatants reach a certain level of power, fighting becomes a bit pointless. When both of you are Immovable Objects and Unstoppable Forces, you’re just going to be pointlessly nudging against each other. Well, if you were equal you would be. But you’re Not Equal. Whenever your own abilities that are meant to be without peer come into conflict with another such ability, yours trumps theirs. A blow that can pierce anything will tear through a defense that can block anything when you are using it. Your absolutes are more so, simply for the fact that you are the one using them. [b]Equality Through Inequality [400]:[/b] By your very nature, you are already a being of contradictions. Both Pluses, Minuses, and everything in between are open to you. So why not excuse any other contradictions in yourself? You can live just fine even with mutually exclusive parts of your being co-existing. You can have two sets of powers that shouldn’t co-exist together and see no complications at all, use two different kinds of energy through the same route without issue, have two exclusive personality traits at the same time without driving yourself to insanity and even be two exclusive physical things at once and retain only the benefits of each. A Not Equal hardly has to obey logic when it comes to their own form. [b]Gotta Have Power To Get Power [600]:[/b] Once you’ve had a taste, you can’t help but want another and another and another. Power is an addiction, one that the world seems all too happy to feed into you. The more power you gain, the easier and faster it will be to gain more power. Personal power, supernatural power, political power, financial power, any sort of power or influence on the world around you will become easier and easier to gain as you gain more of that sort of power. At the early stages, this can be as simple as growing faster or finding more sudden bursts of inspiration but later on you may find yourself gaining powerful mentors, finding great riches every day or even, eventually, just spontaneously developing new powers now and then. [b]Window In The Wall [600]:[/b] What were you again? Were you a character from the manga written by one Nisio Isin? Were you from the anime adaptation by Gainax? Ooh, maybe you’re the self-insert of some normal person back on Earth doing a Jum------- Hm. Maybe you are just a manga character after all. Whatever you are, you’re well aware of your nature and your author. That mythical thing, the Fourth Wall, isn’t so much a myth as it is a flimsy paper barrier to you. Something you can poke your head through, at least in a limited way. You’re fully aware of your fictional nature and the fictional nature of those around you, having an innate sense for the many tropes and clichés that are currently in effect around you. You’re not limited to what the author might write you to do either. Those tropes you became aware of? You’re very good at subverting or twisting them. You know who the main character of a story is but you can easily swap the story to focus on one of the other main characters as the hero instead. You can even change the genre or mood of the overall story with just a little work. These changes to the tropes or genre of the story take a few days to take effect once you’ve desired them though. As a side effect, your awareness of your own nature renders you totally independent of your creator/author, making you immune to any attempts to control or effect you through such a bond or even to erase you by destroying the fictional thing in which you are found. [/hider] [hider=Powers] [b]Dead Lock [100]:[/b] Why let something as silly as age ruin all the fun? You’ll never need to fear the pains and aches of Father Time again as you no longer age. You’re immortal in the sense of the time that you are experiencing, never again needing to fear old age. You can still continue to grow if you wish but you’ll never reach a point where you begin to weaken and eventually die from time. [b]Crystal Edge [100]:[/b] People just hate what they know they'll never be able to match. It's not your fault you're so utterly amazing that they burn with jealousy. Or maybe it is, given what you can do with this power. You are able to mentally flick a switch that makes you despised by everyone around you. You'll instantly become the center of attention, all of it negative. It's enough to make people drop out of battles they are currently in to try and come after you, so long as such a thing won't immediately kill them to do. [b]Ladies and Gentlemen [100]:[/b] The people demand to be served and when it comes to serving fans, you know exactly what to do to keep them happy. With just a touch, you are able to alter any other being in a very specific pair of ways. First, you are able to switch their gender between being male or female at will and second, you are able to make them a much more attractive version of themselves or stay the same during this switch. Using this, you can turn an ugly brute into a beautiful young girl or just into a female version of what he already was. There is no drop or lessening of their abilities because of these changes. [b]Ad Hoc Attack [200]:[/b] What goes around, always comes back around. What goes up must come down. When you hit something, they'll always find themselves coming back for a second blow. Any attack that you make against someone is repeated against them a second later, whether it be a punch or a spell or a use of your powers. This secondary attack costs nothing from you but will only target the same place as the initial attack and be the same in every way as that attack. [b]Hyper Dash Wit [200]:[/b] Technically, there's not meant to be a benefit to acting cool in a fight. Being realistic, it's always more effective to just keep efficient and not show off. But we're in a manga, not real life. The more cool and over dramatic you act? The stronger you get. When you're in a fight and purposefully show off, act cool or get over dramatic, you'll find yourself steadily powering up more and more. The power up will leave you once the fight ends though, even if you manage a super cool climactic finisher move with an awesome one liner to send off your opponent. [b]Eccentric Talk [200]:[/b] It's so not cool to run out of bullets in the middle of a firefight. Dramatic? Sure, at the right time, but it is hella not fun to find yourself in that situation. Seems like you needn't worry from now on as any weapon you have just doesn't run out of ammunition. Whether it uses bullets or energy or something weird like rocks or rubbish, it looks like firing that stuff out doesn't actually get rid of it from within the weapon itself. Emptying the gun wouldn't let you take out as much ammo as you want, it only works when you're actually using it in the weapon. [b]Gun Visible Color [200]:[/b] They'll never expect such a childish gesture to be so dangerous. You've got finger guns now, letting you make a gun shape with your fingers and then have that hand fire off invisible bullets of force at the enemy. Each bullet is about as strong as one of your own punches but you're not limited to just firing invisible pistols. So long as you can roughly mime the use of the sort of gun, you're able to use that instead. You can cock and fire an unseen shotgun or ready up an entire chain gun, though you are limited to real world guns in this way. [b]Lip Service [200]:[/b] With naught but a kiss, you’re able to change someone’s life. You can give a person an ability you possess just by kissing them and, if they agree, even take an ability of theirs in exchange for what you gave them. You can take what you gave back with another kiss, though you can only take back what you gave and if what you gave was lost or modified, it will be lost to you. Through this method anyway. Besides, who doesn’t like an excuse to kiss anyway? [b]Mirror Juvenile [200]:[/b] It’s awfully embarrassing to just show your true self to other people that you don’t even know. Now you don’t need to worry as you are in complete control of how other people perceive you. You are able to appear as whatever you want to other people to their five senses or even to not appear at all. You just need for them to be in sensory range for it to affect them. [b]Skillful [300]:[/b] The Skill to be better at Skills, fitting that you of all people should have it. This ability does not provide you with anything on its own, only working when used in concert with other supernatural abilities. Having this allows you to effortlessly master any supernatural ability that you are capable of using, taking vast leaps in skill and experience with every individual use of your power. You'll discover every trick, hidden use, weakness and combination possible with your power as your growth and learning with it skyrockets to lightspeed. [b]Most Love [300]:[/b] They should be glad to take on your pain, really. If they love you so much, it's only fair that they're willing to shoulder some of your burdens. You're able to transfer damage or negative effects from yourself to someone who would be considered one of your loved ones, such as a family member or friend who genuinely cares for you. They'll take the wound and it'll disappear from your body, though you are only able to transfer bad stuff from yourself after it has happened to you. If you die in a single blow, this won't help you. [b]Metamor Stair [400]:[/b] Evolution is a wonderful process. It made these humans that are so fun to mess with, didn't it? But sometimes you can't be bothered waiting a few millions years for something to happen and just want it now. Now you can with just a touch, force anything, be it a person or an object, to evolve to a new and better stage up to twice. A monkey could be made to become a man and then into an evolved form of man. A blade could be turned into a chain sword and then into an energy sword. [b]More Than Group [400]:[/b] A one-on-one battle is by far the more suitable for a clear main antagonist like yourself. It's much less satisfying if the hero just beats you down with a hundred other guys as well, so now you can make it a heckuva lot harder for him to manage that. The more foes you face at once, the greater your power grows. While just a single opponent won't change anything, each additional foe beyond that will provide a significant increase to your base power, like you were half again as strong as before. There's no upper limit, so long as these multiple foes are all currently and directly engaging you personally in a battle. Just being in a war won't do anything but taking on an entire army at once will. [b]Auto Fumble [400]:[/b] The very essence of being a Not Equal is just that, being unequal to all those around you. You just don't make mistakes, never willingly or unwillingly messing up or making an error. No matter what you do, you do so at the best of your ability as if you were working in the best possible conditions with as much time as you like to make your decisions and with as little detractions as possible, save for those actively imposed by an enemy. This does not guarantee success and will not make the impossible possible, only that you do everything at your absolute best condition, time and place. For example, you would always cast a spell at your full power and with a full incantation, even if you were in an area that weakened your magic and did not have the time to do an incantation, though a place that entirely sealed your magic would not be bypassable. The resistance of an enemy, such as someone trying to dodge your attacks, can still cause you to fail. [b]Humor Contrast [400]:[/b] Never accept that someone can outmatch you forever, not when you are what you are. While being unequal to someone else might sound fitting to them because of what you are, you're just not the sort to accept that. When you find yourself facing someone that is stronger than you in a fight, you'll also find that your level of power begins to steadily rise to match theirs. This increase is permanent and the rate is quite fast, though it does not scale up as your opponents get stronger. The stronger your opponent is in comparison to you, the faster you will grow but this increase gets less and less the stronger your foe is. [b]My Inflation [400]:[/b] If the enemy wants to start off without fighting at full power, it's not your fault if you cheat a bit in return to keep up once they release huh? You're only keeping the fight even. Whenever you are in a fight with an enemy and that foe powers up from the power level they started the fight on, you'll gain an equal increase in power while in the fight. You won't increase to match their starting level of power, so this won't be much use on those that can't transform or improve themselves, but any other sort of boost, you'll get it as well as long as they do. [b]Alibi Lock [600]:[/b] With a wink and a smile, you’re off to another land. Which land? Any land you want. You’ve got the ability to appear anywhere you want in an instant, even locations that aren’t normally considered to be such. You can make yourself blink into existence within a magically sealed vault, in another dimension or even within someone’s mind or heart, where you can communicate directly to them or really mess them up. There’s nothing that can keep you out short of directly disabling or blocking this power. [b]Initialize History [600]:[/b] Retcons are a common staple of the comic book industry. Most fans don't have much fondness for them but you've found they have their uses, now that you're able to retcon living people. You are able to alter the history of anyone you touch, changing what happened in their past and drastically altering them as a person and, potentially, even altering other people. The greater the changes you make, the more people those changes might affect, the more powerful your target or those affected by your changes and the more important to the overall story your target and others affected are, the more tiring this process will be and too great changes for your current level of power will be beyond you entirely. You could certainly change the histories of entire families of normal people without much relation to this world's story, even to the point of them developing their own reasonably strong Abnormalities if they had the potential, but you could not touch a close companion of your own and make it so they have already defeated all of your enemies in this world for you. While as you grow in power, the changes you can make will grow, you cannot make entirely impossible changes to the past become real, no matter your power. Not through this ability in any case. [b]Life Zero [600]:[/b] Skills came about from your glorious leader, why would you ever let them be turned against their creator? You've got the power to shut down other powers, nullifying any supernatural ability that you can see and preventing those that possess such abilities from using them while under your gaze. You can selectively allow certain people or even certain abilities to still work but to those you do not allow, none may continue to operate when seen by you. Of course, you need to be watching them to do this and even blinking will momentarily lift the block, so make sure to keep your eyes on the prize here. [b]Lost Password [800]:[/b] When the fools try to crawl their way up to your level, you'll be waiting at the top with a hammer to slam down on their hands and send them plummeting back to the distant ground. On contact, you are able to deeply and permanently weaken any being that you touch. You are effectively able to 'return them to level one'. This removes anything that they do not naturally have or that is not the basic knowledge and common sense that an average adult of their race would have. They'd lose all their training in combat, all the skill in using supernatural powers, lose any powers or abilities that they did not innately possess, have the raw power that they have reduced to what they had at the very beginning. They retain their memories and can still function but will in effect, be a level one character compared to whatever they were before. [b]Skill Creation [1000]:[/b] For someone who already has so many powers, one might come to think they’d not need any more. But never underestimate the allure of new toys to play with or how happy others are when you share them. Skill Creation is an Abnormality that gives you the power to create powers, within certain limits. The powers you are able to create are outlined by the powers you already have available to you. You are able to use any ability or trait that you have, whether it be a superpower or a magic spell or a personality trait or some physical trait, and use any of the component parts to create your new powers. This way, you can grant copies of your own powers to others, create hybrids of your existing powers for yourself to use or make weaker versions of your powers before granting them to others. You can make as many copies of any power you can create as you desire, it costs nothing and takes nothing more than a thought from you, though having multiples of the same power will not allow you to use more than the effects of one at a time. When it comes to handing powers out to others, you may do so instantly provided you can see all your desired targets presently. This Abnormality also allows you to retake what you have given out even if you cannot see the recipient at the time. [b]Free Climbing [1200]:[/b] You're already used to the numbers game, given the sorts of power you regularly use and interact with. This just made you take it to a literal level. You are capable of manipulating parameters and variables to become greater and stronger or lesser and weaker. You can increase someone's physical strength or decrease their intelligence, increase their age or decrease their hair follicle count. So long as you can put a hard number to it, you are able to raise or lower that number. You are limited in how much of either can be done, only able to raise up to one thousand the original number or decrease to one thousandth of the original number. You must come in physical contact with your target to use this ability on it. [/hider] [hider=Items] [b]Sweet Sweets [100]:[/b] Careful you don’t overload that sweet tooth of yours. You’ve got an unlimited amount of candy now, just about any sort you can possibly find on a normal Earth in as great a quantity as you can fit down your mouth with each gulp. You can even share it with others if you’re actually feeling nice for once in your life. [b]Jumpanui Village [400]:[/b] It might seem like it’s a little out of time and place but you should just chalk it up to the innate weirdness of this place. This village contains several hundred of your own descendants, all still retaining many of your own visual features. It seems like you cultivated this town in order to have a ready supply of loyal agents for any plans you or an ally might have. They’re your genuine biological descendants, having kept their lineages pure and undiluted in some freaky way you don’t wanna ask about, and are all excellent spies, agents and warriors. They’re well aware of how to use any abilities you might have passed down to them but have no special powers beyond that. They do see you as an unquestionable lord and master of the town however, taking any order you care to give with relish. [b]Flask Plan Data [600]:[/b] The jewel of Hakoniwa Academy or at least what they hope will one day be that jewel. This USB contains all the data so far accumulated by the Flask Plan and a fair bit more on top. A project created in order to one day turn Normals into Abnormals, these are the starting steps towards successfully completing that plan. Given the creators of the plan’s true origins, there’d be no hope of succeeding at all without having this in hand and yet even with it, you’re still in for an arduous road of study, experimentation and a lot of expended resources. But when you’ve managed to bottle the essence of Gods, it’ll all be worth it. [/hider] [hider=Companions] [b]Canon - [url=https://medakabox.fandom.com/wiki/Najimi_Ajimu]Ajimu Najimi[/url] [100 CP per]:[/b] You’ve got some of the oddest people around here, just waiting for the chance to go on an adventure. If only you could convince them. Purchasing this option will give you one chance for each purchase to convince a character in this world to come along with you as a companion to other worlds. You’ll be lucky enough to hit it off with your chosen person on a good foot and continue to meet them in favorable situations at least a few times. [/hider] [hider=Drawbacks] [b]Are You Even Alive? [+100]:[/b] The knowledge of being fictional can have some pretty nasty side effects. You’ve started to see everyone else around you for what they really are, just fictional characters written for someone’s enjoyment. You’ve stopped really thinking that they have any feelings or personal agency, seeing little issue in toying with them for your own purposes or goals. People aren’t people to you anymore, just tools and toys and resources. [b]3,402,193,822,311 Years [+300]:[/b] All the way back to step one for you. You won’t be beginning your jump in the modern world at Hakoniwa Academy. Instead, you’ll be starting several universal deaths and births ago, around the time that Najimi Ajimu was first brought into existence. You’ll need to survive through over 3 trillion years of life, through the universe being born and dying and reborn over and over. Throughout this entire time, you’ll find yourself running into some of the strangest and wildest things in existence. Alien warlords, invaders from outside the universe, different versions of Abnormals, Ajimu herself, magical girls and other fictional entities will be very real parts of your life. Not everything will be threatening to you and you may even find some temporary allies but you will be involved with the story of this world for a very long time. [/hider] [hider=Notes] Any powers you have bought in this jump or that your companions are bought are not subject to loss from Growing Up into an adult. Powers obtained via any other means, without an appropriate perk to fix it, will be subject to such a thing [u][b]Boosted Capstone[/b][/u] [b]Gotta Have Power To Get Power:[/b] Just having power at all extends your influence into all aspects of life. Just having power in one area will now make it easier for you to gain power in all areas that can apply. It won’t be quite as good as the base perk in that area, having a great deal of financial power will still make it far easier to gain supernatural power but not as much as if you were solely focusing on supernatural power, but increasing your power in all fields will ultimately add up to far more than normal. [b]Window In The Wall:[/b] Before now, you just took peeks through the wall. Now you can hop out of it entirely. Your level of influence is greatly increased, to the point that you can briefly cease to be ‘fictional’ in the sense that these various worlds care for. In a story using words or pictures, like a manga or novel, you can peel yourself off the pages and jump ahead or back a few chapters to travel in time. You could lean out of the anime episode you are featured in to press pause on the remote to stop time. You can even alter the words written to change reality, though how this actually manifests can be very chaotic and unpredictable, as well as rarely long lasting. You’re even able to communicate with the author of the current work you are in, attempting to get them to change things to your liking, though this’ll likely freak them the fuck out. It is sadly impossible to get an author to change you yourself, since you are your own author already, and attempts to sneak around this limitation before your chain ends might have you end up meeting the rather stern and powerful editor of your story. You can’t stay out of the fiction you are in for too long or destroy it either, not without destroying yourself. It’s impossible to destroy the fiction you are in, through your own actions or through getting someone else to do it for you, at least until your chain has ended. Basically you can’t just make yourself have every power or make the author write in a potion that does that until after your chain is over, since you’ve got a being, whether it’s the benefactor or something else, that monitors your use of this boosted capstone. Think of it as, if it’d make things boring or too easy, it won’t be seen as entertaining enough to go in the book. Despite the jokes, you can’t use this on the jumpchain itself, just the various worlds you go to. [/hider] [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zukNpzO3JzPth7BNAVUOZVKDRCsjguzD/view?usp=sharing][b][u]Suggsverse Joke Jump[/u][/b][/url] [hider=Origins] [b]Drop In [0cp]:[/b] You, just like a certain Chris Raion Spades, just appear into the world. You don’t know why you’re here, or if you have a goal. [/hider] [hider=Perks] [b]Quantum Jumping [100cp]:[/b] You have the power to jump from this world to another, jumping across countless worlds in a time span so short it could be said that you exist in both at once. Any world that exists is yours to travel to. [b]Enhanced Motion and Speed [200cp]:[/b] You’re fast. Really fast. Sonic fast? Think faster. The Flash? Well, I’ll stop you there, because the answer is yes. You can move at such speeds that you could kill a group of men in 0.005 attoseconds. For scaling purposes, a single attosecond is the time it takes for light itself to move the distance of about a single molecule. What’s more, you have some insane reflexes, as in, you move in potential space. As in, you move before movement becomes a thing. Don’t understand? Don’t worry, you don’t have to. [b]Absolute Immortality & Regeneration [400cp]:[/b] Some enemies don’t play fair. Some of them decide to just wipe you from existence itself, removing you from ever having been. Well, that’s not an issue anymore. Should it ever happen, you will regenerate perfectly, as if you had never been undone. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been shot, stabbed, undone, or never made to begin with. You always come back. As a bonus, should you ever die in a jump, not only will you come back but it will no longer count as a loss for the purposes of jumpchain either. [b]Events and the Story [600cp]:[/b] The ebb and flow of the Story of everything is yours to control. Before information can be processed you are capable of reconfiguring both Nothing and Possibility, allowing you to reverse everything to before Creation or even fold events on themselves, wiping them from existence. You can even tear through events themselves, allowing you to arrive at any event without particular knowledge, and should you need to you can even halt the EVENT itself. [b]One [1000cp]:[/b] Except for this. Above ♠The Ace of Spades♠ are the Voyagers, beings that are as far above ♠The Ace of Spades♠ as ♠The Ace of Spades♠ is above literal nothingness. And you are above even them. The Benefactor has come to reward you by fusing the two of you together, becoming a new, singular being with power transcending anything and everything, all while the Benefactor retcons its very own existence so that it had never been and never could be, barring your own excellency which transcends even that. If I haven’t made myself clear enough, you are Omnipotent in the actual sense of the word and not the ways Lionel Suggs, the idiot author of this series, uses it. You are actually and truly Omnipotent. You also have your Spark. [/hider] [hider=Companions] [b]Companion Import [200cp]:[/b] You may import infinite companions. All imported companions receive a free background and 1000cp to spend. In addition, all imported companions become absolutely loyal towards you. [/hider] [hider=Drawbacks] [b]It’s All Too Stupid For Me [+0cp]:[/b] You may take your perks and leave this world immediately. In fact, just enter you next jump with the stuff you got here. Go, get out of here. [/hider] [/color] [/quote] [/hider]