[b]Her Glorious Majesty Seele, Sovereign of Pride [/b] [hider=Base Form] [hider=Arachnid Form] [img]https://cdn.donmai.us/original/04/d7/__shiraori_and_kumoko_kumo_desu_ga_nani_ka_drawn_by_vinoker__04d737ce8233cbd03f16785d712107ec.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Humanoid Form] [img]https://cdn.donmai.us/original/39/00/__shiraori_kumo_desu_ga_nani_ka_drawn_by_kuroko_ku_rogitune96__3900aea0985c5fc116a53881ad3c3e8c.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Aspect] Aspect: Seele is the personification of Pride, in all its terrors and all its glories. Seele does not display Pride as wanton pettiness for insignificant slights, for to admit that someone can easily tarnish your Pride would be to showcase its fragility. She cares little for the insults of others, and frequently finds their attempts as amusing as they are pathetic. Seele takes Pride in much of her abilities and power, but more than anything, she takes Pride in her patience. She is not an omnipotent being, this much she knows, but those who dare to boast their power or make overtures of superiority simply play into her hands- for her all-devouring Pride see's the power of others and refines it to more suitably fit a more perfect master. Many skills and powers Seele possesses seem unusual, but they are the simple result of pompous individuals attempting to eclipse her infinite Pride. If you boast your superior knowledge of magic, you will soon find yourself second to her. Display the capacity for a hundred bullseyes blindfolded with a bow, and she shall display to you a hundred and one. Proclaim yourself the greatest swordsman of all, and suddenly find your blade can find no purchase against her divine swordsmanship. Usurping the power of a god is no simple task, nor one lightly undertaken, but all those gods who go before the Sovereign of Pride know to tread lightly, for who would wish to risk that the ever-hungry spider might consume that as well? Seele makes no claims to omnipotence for she knows she does not need it. The universe contains everything there is to obtain, and the universe shall bring to her what she requires, for the Sovereign of Pride is all she needs to be when she needs to be. [/hider] [hider=Persona] Persona: Seele is neither Good nor Evil. She's often seen as universally selfish, but in truth, she's simply whimsical. She loves and hates freely, shares and takes without regret, and can take Pride in others deeds as much as she can her own(or close to it, at least). Her initial origin was from arachnids, or so she claims, and her numberless children see their Sovereign as their one true master. She is a mother, a teacher, a terror, a calamity, a messiah, she is whatever she wishes to be. The one thing she refuses to be- is bored. When one falls into the mud in pain and defeat, those who find the strength to look up just might find Seele standing above them, smiling down at them. For Pride is above the qualms of Good and Evil. Pride is about value, and can only find meaning when a spark of it burns in your own heart. And Seele's favored children and chosen find their Pride as the source of strength they so often desperately need. Personality wise, she can often surprise many who visit her. While she is capable of grandiose and extravagant mannerisms, it's not uncommon to find her remarkably reticent. Sometimes she is simply not in the mood to be overtly social with others, to the point that she could be described as quiet and soft-spoken, as well as easily distracted by other tasks. It is unclear precisely what causes these episodes of seeming social fatigue, but it is the time she is safest and most dangerous to be around. Those who are polite and respectful find her easier to talk to, but those who annoy her with rudeness or disrespect can find her fatigue translates into impatience, dismissing you from her presence or even growing violent if she begins to interpret defiance as a declaration of hostility. But one thing is for certain in the enigmatic figure that is the Sovereign of Pride- those who are her allies find her a stalwart companion, and those who are her enemy soon find that their own Pride becomes their downfall. [/hider] [hider=Myth] Myth: Seele leaned back in her throne as she watched events unfold within her domain. Many brave, bold, foolhardy fellows had descended into the deep darkness that lied beneath the ground, all for their own reasons. Their numbers had been many once, but it was not long before their numbers had dwindled, most due to cowardice. It had been a disappointing show at first, watching their numbers rapidly shrink, none showing themselves worthy of attention. Except one. One remained, and even as she was awash with visible terror, she did not turn around. She ventured further and further into the darkness, a lantern and a dagger all that she had to preserve herself within the caverns, tunnels, and caves that contained so many of her children. She did not stop, even as she began to see the thousands of glowing eyes in the darkness watching her, waiting, pondering. Her gritted teeth was the preamble to her running; a foolish decision, but it was one not born of fear, but defiance. Well, perhaps a little fear based on the tears running down her face. But she ran forward. It was a shame that there was a cliff there. Seele watched as the young woman exited the tunnel and soon found herself in thin air, running off the edge of a cliff without even realizing it. She tumbled down the rockface, bouncing several times before landing with a sickening crunch. Seele watched as the young woman, barely alive, began to push herself up, but quickly screamed as she fell back down- she wouldn't be going anywhere with those shattered legs. The goddess leaned forward as she watched curiously- as the girl began to crawl. Her lantern in pieces and her dagger lost, she crawled toward nowhere, but her expression... So defiant. So consumed by willful stubbornness. "I... won't lose. I'll... show them all." Seele found her lips curl up at those words as the girl snarled them out. She did not know what had brought this mortal down here, what legends she was chasing- not yet. The girl began to scream as Seele raised her hand, looking into her palm where a tiny image of the girl laid. She tugged at the girls legs, humming as she worked, listening for prayers for mercy or weakness, but as she expected, she heard none. She heard only curses of pain, the slamming of first against stone and the swiping of her hands at an 'attacker' she could not see. Soon enough, her work was done. She watched as the woman panted, the pain gone, only exhaustion remaining. The girl opened her eyes, blinking as she now saw in the darkness as she could not before. She attempted to rise from the ground and found the task easier than she expected. Her eyes drifted down at the gift Seele had bestowed upon her- her weak and broken legs no more, replaced by the lower half of a spider, eight strong armored legs and the abdomen fitting an arachnid. She stared only in disbelief for a moment before her eyes drifted up, for only now did Seele allow her to see- that she was standing in the palm of the goddess hands, a goddess whose perceived size dwarfed her by a magnitude beyond comprehension. The goddess' smile broadened as she stared down at her new adherent. "I do believe I like you. Tell me..." Seele raised her hand to be more level with her face, her eye far larger than the half-spider girl. "What is your name?" [/hider] [hider=Musical Theme] Musical Theme: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvmKc2GmGYU[/url] [/hider]