[@samreaper] Yeah, that vitriol was exactly what he was expecting. Well, as he said earlier, it would only be easier if Tristan hated him. "I am merely asking you a question. What does it make you when the ivory tower that you've lived in was built on the back of broken lives and dreams your family smashed? Or do you think you're above it?", said Robbie. This man was not denying that he had made a terrible mistake that he could not come back from again. He was bitter, yes, but even as he insulted Tristan's own family, Robbie did not hold any anger towards the boy himself. If anything, there was pity in his tone. Back to the fight, with great speed and timing Princess grabbed King out of the way of the projectile feathers that just stuck in the ground. Ironically enough, Princess was doing a princess carry for the magenta crow. As the fake Murkrow followed the Riolu to use Peck on the bipedal blue Pokemon only to receive a barrage of feathers that stuck to it, even on its beak that would act as a cushion for all attacks unless they were somehow removed. "Come on Ditto, you gotta move!" Robbie implored, but the Ditto was completely taken aback from being tarred and feathered sans tar and was now pincered between King and Princess, proceeding to get its shit kicked in from both sides as they both somehow got critical hits. The impact from both of their attacks at the same time dealt a great amount of damage, causing the mimic Pokemon to stumble from the impact though because of its level advantage, it still was able to just hold on and looked like it could still take more hits. However, both critical impacts collided against its head from both sides, discombobulating to the point that both of Tristan's Pokemon could get a free attack off. What are Tristan's orders? [hr] [@Joshua Tamashii] To her pleasant surprise, the Goletts felt pleasantly smooth not like stone, but like freshly glazed clay pottery. The spectral nature of them compared to her Phantump or Mimikyu or the wild Yamasks had to be different given that they were manmade rather than naturally occurring. It was a mystery as to why Golett had the properties of a ghost-type and Amelia probably did not have much of a clue either besides the idea because they were Pokemon that existed since ancient times though that would create a few implications of their nature if that was the case. It's not like it particularly mattered now. What was more important was making friends with the local ghosts! Well, it would've been like that except they were not exactly sure how to react. They were not used to people being around them, let alone being nice so they were just looking at each other wondering what they were supposed to do. The one that she touched didn't really object to being touched either though it poked back at her stomach not too hard. It was more out of a childlike curiosity than anything though once it felt its finger poke against the malleable softness of her belly, it just kept repeatedly poking her. Somehow it was fun? The Yamask that she was interacting with earlier puffed its cheeks up and smacked the Golett's hand away and began to tell it off. However, it was pretty obvious that it was acting like this because it did not like having Amelia's attention pulled away from it. Looked like that this one Yamask was a bit of an attention hog and perhaps a bit of a diva. Other Yamask and Golett were rolling their eyes at the sight as if this was a common occurrence between those two specific Pokemon. While they were bickering, she would sense that the ruins seemed to emit a ghostly aura. Originally, one would assume that it's because of the ghost-types though the longer she remained around them, the more she would realize that the ruins themselves were emitting this. What does Amelia do? [hr] [@Zarkun] Jason would see Connor jolt up and his muscles stiffen into a board. He turned around and his movements were so stiff as well that one would have thought they heard the sound of rusted metal creaking and moaning to see the full glory of this young man dressed to the nines. Now before, Connor did have this rugged, yet almost Hollywood Wild West handsomeness when dressed in his rancher's attire, but now he just looked like he belonged on the red carpet for some award show or a premiere for a movie that would be nominated for those award shows. His typical Stetson hat was nowhere to be seen and it revealed this neatly combed back brown, chestnut hair that was probably being held together by gel. The suit that he wore was a dark charcoal gray teetering into black with a matching vest, shoes, tie, and even elegant leather gloves that was all tied together by a white collared shirt and a white pocket square. He oozed with style and before was drawing quite a bit of attention with his looks because prior to Jason arriving, he was this neatly packaged together image of confidence, coolness, and fashion sense. The key word in that sentence was 'was.' As soon as he turned around, Jason would see that the cowboy had now broken out in a nervous cold sweat. He refused to look him in the eyes and just had this very forced smile. "I, uh, nobody in particular. Just standing around... in a suit... by a contest hall for no reason. Absolutely no reason at all." said Connor, fiddling with his suit's cufflinks nervously. This man was a terrible liar. The thing is, Connor wasn't alone in being dressed up. There were others wearing fashionable suits and dresses waiting around. Well, arguably fashionable. Some were dressed up in clothes that many would consider would be flashy and tasteless and some had makeup so thickly applied to their face that one would question where their face was. Growing up in Hoenn, the birthplace of Pokemon Contests, Jason would know that people would dress up for these events.