Well, I was coaxed into watching two episodes of Moonknight. And holy shit. Some of the effects reminded me of those awful skits you'd see on old youtube videos. (With awful shaky cam & terrible editing cuts.) Among everything else I could nitpick about the cheap-looking visuals aside. It was a mostly negative experience. With those "wow these marvel characters that you like, sure are stupid aren't they?" jokes being already used and worn thin. So uh...I really hope you like the new age marvel humor and mystery box writing? [i]Or this show probably won't be for you either.[/i] Though Oscar Issac *does* actually attempt to act as somebody other than himself. So points for trying, I guess? [i]But it's not exactly a role to be remembered by...[/i] [s]And I also just read that his accent and performance was *purposefully awful* in an interview. And gosh golly gee that sure is convenient and identical sounding to someone who can't fucking act.[/s] But I digress. Plan to watch more things and catch up on shows that I couldn't watch during my vacation. For example... [hr] Prey is a popcorn flick from no name actors and *obviously* first time writers, with some style and no substance. Ranging from a 4 to a 6 out of ten, depending on how little you give a single fuck how little the script cares about its plot/writing/characters. (Just don’t think about what you’re watching. You will not benefit from being analytical.) I will forget I ever watched this. Pro’s -The scenery / cinematography is competent. -The MC is not really a Mary Sue. (But she happens to have a lot of plot armor on her, though.) -Music was fine and occasionally used effectively. Even if it pulled the exact same trick multiple times. -Key-jingling action in the 2nd half is probably flashy enough to entertain those not looking for anything more than that. Con’s -There is no plot. There is little character. There is a bad attempt at fan service. And it all only gets worse when you think critically about anything that happened in it. -The ending fight is anticlimactic as all hell. And it gets a cliché sequel bait ending cutscene. [i]Because of course it does.[/i] -Worst part of it is probably how the first half is completely pointless fluff. And that the movie pretty much wasted the native setting/concept it had.