Harriet listened to Ethans words and stayed quiet before she flinched at the growl and gunshot. She gave a bit of a sigh before looking back to Ethan. "Well, Steph looked human when she first came here." She started with a small frown, "And I guess they were testing Gaia, and either my father put in a good enough word or blended in too perfectly for them to really notice." Harriet sighed as she moved to rub her temples slightly. "I fear that the people hunting Gaia down got in contact with them here." She admitted, making sure Barrow and Morrison wouldn't hear her words, she didn't want to try and speak mentally to Ethan as she knew it would be a rude thing to just enter. "Ethan." Harriet said as she paused, putting a bit more space between herself and the other agents, "May I ask you a question in.. more privacy?"