By the time Groundramon threw a log in the direction of a nearby human and Digimon it was clear to Stingmon who the hostile was here. Unfortunately there was no way for him to stop the log from where he was so he helplessly watched as Renamon pushed the human out of the way and took the full brunt of the hit. As he wondered if he should try to help out the clearly dying digimon or go after the threat it seemed they handled things themselves as they clearly formed a contract and combined into a single entity. Relieved to see things ending on a decently happy note he was about to go chase after Groundramon when something he hadn't expected happened. [color=f26522]"Hey! Are you on the dragon's side or what?"[/color] Asahi couldn't believe the accusation. [color=39b54a]"What, are you stup..."[/color] Luckily he never got to finish that sentence as Jewelbeemon took over. [color=39b54a]Forgive my partner, but no we're not. In fact we were just about to deal with him. [/color] [@The World]