[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006946319472001246/1009999217193918474/CelestineToken1.png[/img][/center] [center]The birth of [color=gainsboro]War[/color][/center] [center]Location: Galbar’s northern continent, east coast. Interacting with: Navari Sathia. (To be created!) Mentions: Anath Homura.[/center] [hr] [center][url=https://youtu.be/W3azX6qYQUk]The end is never the end…[/url][/center] At first there was nothing. Peace. Quiet. Tranquility. Silence. There was an overwhelming nothingness that permeated through thought and time. A great hollow that was forgotten by almost all… Save one. The last of the deities that chose to exist from a time long waylaid and obscured. Sleeping quietly within a grand yet empty castle, surrounded on all sides by nothingness was a goddess. Clad from neck to toe in gleaming plate armor, an empty scabbard lay at one side. In their left hand was a broken sword. Perhaps some conflict had taken place, and even though victorious the goddess was left exhausted of all of her power? There was no way to be sure. One might have assumed that this goddess was human, save for the fact that her ears were most decidedly not. It became apparent then that this goddess was an elf of some kind, though whether or not they were the first of the elves or the result of the elves was a mystery that had been lost to time. But all of that had faded away into irrelevance with the perpetual passage of time. For now the goddess slept and dreamed of times where things were better. The goddess did not know how long the dream lasted, but all at once she was stirred to life once more by a voice echoing beyond the boundaries of time and space. [i][b]“I am Anath Homura! Come forth to me, and become the cosmic cultivators and architects of a new realm! Join my pantheon, and become Divine! Shape the sturdy land, shift the singing sea, sculpt the soaring sky, rewrite reality in accordance with your visions!”[/b][/i] At first there was no motion, but after an unknown collection of moments a blue eye opened, then the other. Their color stood in stark contrast to the washed out surroundings that the goddess existed in. Stiffness creaked within their body as the goddess began to move for the first time in ages. Placing a hand upon the arm of the throne they had been slumped in for so long, the goddess rose from her idle position and looked around what was left of their realm with what could only be described as curiosity. How had it gotten this bad? Remembering their discarded scabbard, the goddess returned to the throne room and retrieved it. As it was moved, an ample amount of dust fell from it. How long had it been since she had dropped it there? Looking at her broken sword, the goddess gave a sigh before coughing. It had been so long since she had spoken that her body had grown unaccustomed to it. No matter, that would recover soon enough. Placing what remained of her sword back into its scabbard, the goddess remembered two other things that were out of place. The first, which was addressed immediately, was her hair. The goddess bid it to grow as it wished once more, and as she walked towards another room in the castle her hair gradually restored itself to its proper length: Mid calf. The second was contained within this room, albeit discarded in haste and not properly stored as it should have been. Laying upon the ground was a hooded cloak, and it too was covered in dust. Lifting the cloak gently, the goddess frowned at the fact that its brilliant red color was washed out by the overwhelming light of her realm. No matter. It too would be restored in time. Slinging the cloak around her shoulders gently, the goddess walked out to a balcony and looked upwards towards the encroaching darkness. It was there that she saw a faint glimmer of light. The source of the voice that she had heard earlier. The goddess paused for a moment and then some. Was it for the best to leave everything behind? Perhaps not everything. Returning to the various rooms of the palace, the goddess retrieved something that seemed small and insignificant, but the ring that they tucked away meant much to them. That, however, was a mystery for another time. Returning to the balcony with her keepsake in hand, the goddess turned to look longingly at what once was her realm one last time before she turned her attention towards the small glimmer of light hanging in the middle of a vast sea of darkness. Perhaps it was for the best to try and begin anew. Reaching towards the light, the goddess allowed herself to be pulled toward it. Casting a look back at her realm for just a moment, she watched as it began to rapidly crumble away without her presence. She had but a moment to reconsider, but in the end decided that it was best to let go. Closing her eyes as she was pulled into the new reality, the goddess felt her form begin to morph and change as she was touched by the raw cosmic energy that dwelt in the space between realities. This caused her no small amount of disdain, as the goddess was quite happy with her form. Focusing upon how she viewed herself within her mind's eye, the goddess shunted away the meddling energy and recomposed herself as she was. Feeling the firmness of ground beneath her feet, the goddess opened her eyes to the sight of a barren continent. Behind her was an ocean, deathly still and seemingly devoid of life. Before her was a barren landscape. Raw, untamed, and untouched. A blank canvas to call her own, then. Looking down at herself, the goddess noted that she was seemingly much bigger than she originally was, though otherwise things remained the same. It would have to be lived with. She was at least glad to see the proper red and gold color returned to her cloak. Turning towards the water, the goddess reached for her broken sword and began to slowly draw it. As she did, a brilliant light began to emanate from the scabbard and what was broken was made whole again, although it was now considerably massive to match her enlarged stature. Holding the blade aloft for a few moments, the goddess studied it before nodding in satisfaction. Approaching the rough beach, the goddess gently raised her blade aloft before bringing the edge down harshly into the water. The result of this was a massive wave of water throwing itself into the air as the sea parted before her will. Following this, the goddess raised the point of her sword towards the now exposed sea floor and issued a simple verbal command. [color=gainsboro]”Rise.”[/color] Soon afterward the ground began to shake and a bridge began to come forth, pulled straight from the bedrock of the world. The stone gleamed white in color, polished smooth by the will of the goddess. As the bridge was formed, the goddess began to slowly walk across it, sword still held forward as she commanded the fortress into existence. Once she was far away enough from the shore, the goddess stopped and pointed her sword straight down. Grasping the hilt with both hands, she brought the tip of her sword skyward and willed the grandest portion of her city into place. With an earthquake-like rumble, a huge fortress erupted from the sea floor. It was made of the same gleaming white stone that the bridge was constructed from, and it too was polished smooth. Immense and powerful walls rose into place, followed by buildings of various types and forms. Finally, a grand tower rose into place in the middle of the Fortress-City, and the goddess released her will upon the water. Once the water had finished rushing back into place, another wall was willed into being, one capable of being opened and closed. It swallowed a portion of the sea, and the stone once more warped to make way for a set of docks that could hold large and mighty ships as needed. Holes to allow for the passage of water in and out of the captured sea were formed, and with the last touches in place the Fortress-City was complete. But for all its might and all its majesty the city was empty. That wouldn’t do at all. Walking through the city and making sure that everything was in place, the goddess climbed to the top of the central tower. Looking towards the horizon, the goddess blinked a few times. For a time, she thought about the failures of her previous plans. But now many of the things that were the end goals of her previous ideas were now already complete. But there was still one that had yet to be finished. A goal that had been so long in the making that in the end it had never come to fruition. The creation of her people: The Virtus Elves. Holding her sword aloft once more, the goddess brought her scabbard to its point and focused for just a moment. Gripping the scabbard tightly, she rammed the sword home into it, deliberately dragging the edge of her sword against the inner wall of the scabbard. This sent a shower of sparks down onto the city and into the wind, free to drift away wherever they would be taken. Hundreds if not thousands of sparks landed upon the city, and from each one of them came an elf. Each of them was fair and beautiful, and they came into being as if they had always existed. From one moment of deafening silence to a city that was filled to the brim with activity, the goddess lowered her sword and bound the scabbard to her side, as it was meant to be. Looking down at her people, she could not help but cry softly. Tears of joy and fulfillment at plans long overdue finally coming to completion. Perhaps this new start was just what she had needed. But as soon as her small celebration ended, a realization set in: With this new start it was inevitable that new responsibilities and conflicts would come to her gates. And with this inevitability came the thought that it was entirely possible that she would not be around to manage every aspect of her people’s lives. Nor did she really want to, for that would take freedom away from her people. It was best to warn them, then. Descending from her tower, the goddess called out throughout the city, summoning the populace in order to explain her hopes for their future. Once all were gathered, the goddess explained that while she would do everything she could to protect and lead them, she could not be present all the time. Thus she explained that it was their charge to be ready to defend themselves and their city as often as they could. A wave of silent agreement spread through the crowd, but then a question came forward. One of genuine curiosity: The elves instinctively recognize her as their creator, but who was she? The goddess blinked, realizing that she had yet to introduce herself at all. Embarrassed that her manners had faded so harshly, the goddess placed a hand across her chest and bowed deeply before speaking. [color=gainsboro]”My apologies to you all. It has been so long that I have forgotten my manners. I am Celestine, goddess of war. You are my people, the Virtus Elves. And this city is Earthwall. It is your fortress and your home. I will shelter and lead all of you as best I can…”[/color] It was here that, upon standing up, Celestine’s eye traced across someone towards the back of the crowd that had gathered. As she finished her sentence, she began to walk forward. [color=gainsboro]”But I cannot do so alone. Nor do I wish to have a hand in each of your individual lives, for this would most likely stifle your ability to function without me. So to this end I will work to gather those who have the greatest potential for leadership. These people will become your leaders, and in so doing I hope to create a chain that will bring all of your collective concerns to the people who can, and will, act in your best interest, even if I should not be here.”[/color] And it was here that Celestine stopped, standing before someone who to most was yet another elf. But to Celestine’s eyes she saw the potential for greatness. Placing a hand upon their shoulder Celestine asked their name and was given Navari Sathia. Nodding, Celestine spoke softly to them, illustrating the role that they were being offered: Championship. The removal of mortal limits and the ability to rise and meet any challenge that would come to face them. At first there was hesitance, but then came acceptance. Thus did Celestine draw her sword once more, and instructed the elf to kneel. Following this, she carefully tapped each of their shoulders, and announced that they had been knighted with the title of Ser, and they were now the champion of the city, second only to herself in authority. Offering the elf a hand, Celestine spoke softly once more. [color=gainsboro]”Come. There is much that I will tell you.”[/color] [hr] [hider=Summary]Celestine starts out nearly comatose in a realm that is slowly decaying into nothingness. It is then that she hears Anath Homura call out across time and space, and awakens. She picks up some of the pieces of her past and decides that perhaps starting over is worth it. Leaving her realm behind, Celestine arrives on the new Galbar and immediately sets out to complete what she failed to do previously, which is to say that she immediately creates a Fortress-City and populates it full of elves. Telling the elves her name and purpose, she informs all of them that she’s going to set up a system of government that can function independently of her so that they aren’t dependent on her being around. As the first step of this, she picks a champion and knights them with the title of Ser, naming them champion of the city and proclaiming their authority to be second only to her own. Following this she tells the elf to come with her so that she can explain their duties in the future.[/hider] [hider=MP/AP expenses] Celestine begins with 5 MP/5 AP. 4 Might/2 AP, Make Elves. 1 Might, create a Champion 2 AP, create Fortress-City of Earthwall 1 AP, Create Sword. Celestine ends with 0 MP/0 AP.[/hider] [hider=Basic notes about Virtus Elves.] This will get transplanted over to its own document in time, but I’m putting some cliff notes here. Virtus Elves are fair and beautiful, and have average heights of 6-7 feet. Some of the tallest elves can reach 7’5”. Biologically speaking, elves are equal in physical capability maximums between men and women. Men will start off as more physically capable, but with enough training any Virtus Elf women will be entirely equal to men in terms of physical prowess. The average Virtus Elf is stronger than the average human, though powerful humans are still perfectly capable of matching and overwhelming them. Instead of sleeping, Virtus Elves enter into a trancelike meditation. This allows them to be aware of their surroundings while resting and wake quickly. Virtus Elves are also capable of seeing better than average in low-light conditions, and in addition can see things with clarity far further than the average human. Virtus Elves are also quite resistant to uncomfortable temperatures, and can generally wear whatever clothing or armor they like regardless of the environment. And finally, Virtus Elves have a maximum lifespan of three hundred and fifty years.[/hider]