[hider=The Divine Enforcer] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006944408438059143/1007740282005102662/CHUD.png[/img] [sub]A great ironclad star descended from the heavens, the sky heralding its arrival with fire; Justice had manifested before the hearths and kilns burned, before the foundations of the world had been laid and before the chaos of life had erupted upon Galbar. The star, the [i]god[/i], the [b]machine[/b], the [i][b]force of nature[/b][/i] landed not with some catastrophic impact but gingerly, with only a soft thud and a limber grace that seemed to defy its intimidating bulk. He cast off the cloak of flame that the sky had bequeathed upon him, for he cared not for the fine or the bright or ostentatious. One, two, three heavy footsteps carried him forward across the barren rocky plain, and then with the lifeless wastes as his witness, the god made a solemn vow:[/sub] [color=SlateGray]"I will be True, and hold all else to the same precept."[/color] [sub]Tiny flakes of dirt and regolith drifted through the air, cast up by his landing. The motes of dust were silent, and they seemed to meet his words with equal resolve. He looked around, restless. To be true to himself, he could never rest, would never tire, until all things were exactly as they should be, guided by the tenets and laws of those whose will shaped the world; but not by his, certainly. He did not presume to determine what was lawful or orderly, though he knew that he would be able to innately sense anything that rebelled against its lot. By that feeling if nothing else, he would find the faults in the universe and right them. He felt it right then, even in that earliest of days. The towering metal giant spun around suddenly and fell onto his knees, brushing the ground with his hands to fill in the tiny depression left by his landing and ever so carefully restore it to exactly what it had been a few moments before. His passion compelled him![/sub][/center] [hr] Names are unimportant. This god never bothered to take one, so style him Justice, or perhaps the Divine Enforcer. And pray that you do not cross him; his body and will alike are daunting. He seems to tower over all that he comes across, larger than everything except the smallest of laws and rules. None have ever looked upon his visage (if even he has one), for in the emptiness of the void he wrought his force of will into a near-impervious suit of unadorned plate armor that covers him utterly. He is large but generally humanoid in shape, and his armor is a bleak gray that neithers shines nor get sullied by dirt and rust – it simply is how it is. Even by divine standards his strength and endurance are prodigious – he seemingly never tires, slows, hesitates, or stops, and his personality is just as relentless, forthright, and stubborn as his body. From the first moment that he landed upon Galbar he has sworn to uphold his aspect. He respects all oaths, laws, and rules and expects the same of others. False or broken oaths, treachery, and hypocrisy (only in the sense of thinking one’s self above the rules that one has declared for others) are the most blatant of injustices and wrongs to him, and they incense him greatly. If it were possible he would personally stop any and all such instances and uphold every [i]legitimate[/i] rule and regulation set forth by mortals and immortals alike, but alas, he is neither omniscient nor omnipotent and must submit to the realities of utilitarianism and of his limited reach. In his relentless pursuit to uphold order and authority, he is not concerned at all with the actual morality or fairness of the laws that exist – Justice does not judge or make the rules, for justice is simply the enforcement of those that exist. Fortunately, his aspect endows him with the ability to delegate this sacred charge of his unto others. He can easily instill a fraction of his own fervor, ethos, and indefatigable will into others, and this greatly helps him in the organization of sacred orders and the elevation of heroes to uphold the law and spread his ideals of justice throughout the world. His aspect also makes him especially perceptive in his ability to discern lies from truth, and he can sometimes sense when any force or object is rebelling against the law or its lot. [/hider]