"Lure her out, break into her place and rob her blind! Ahh, when I say rob her, I merely talk about the children of course. I don't endorse actual steal. That's not something good... Unless it's cookies from a spider so you can incinerate them." Shina said as she stood there, wondering what to do with herself. "Anyhow, we just need to break into Schrodinger's Closed Space and see if there are children to free." The Tanuki broke it down into terms she thought she understood at least. "Hope they're still alive." She seemed a little non-commital, almost like she didn't care, though it was more along the lines of she thought they would be fine. Most likely. She didn't really seem to have much to do in the current operation so she was mostly just twiddling her thumbs. Perhaps out of boredom, or because she was the only one who seemed receptive of the tea idea... The Tanuki snuck up next to Homura and wrapped an arm around the shoulder of the Youkai Hunter. "So, want tea? I can order one of my idi-- I mean, assistants to bring some." There didn't seem to be too much of a ulterior motive but, really, could one trust a Tanuki. With her arm still around her new friend's shoulder, she spoke up toward Tomoko. "So, what do you need a beautiful Tanuki like me to do?"