Anya eyed one of the pasties as she spoke. [color=ed145b]"It's fine! I would tell you my age, but I don't remember it. Although we might closer in age then I thought. I guess it doesn't really matter."[/color] She took a moment to think about what to tell him, before answering. [color=ed145b]"Hmm... well, I travel a lot, and I'm basically a street performer- one time performing on a stage, but that's only because some person wanted me to open their show or something. I do aerial acrobatics and flips and stuff while flying. What else.."[/color] The girl took one of the pasties and quickly asked if Vendril minded, before stuffing it into her hungry little mouth. [color=ed145b]"Oh, right,"[/color] she continued, [color=ed145b]"I can make wind. It's cool, and it helps me get real high up in the sky. Not far enough into the stars though.."[/color] The girl rambled about the stars for a minute or so, before she remembered she was supposed to be talking. [color=ed145b]"I don't really have contact with my family anymore, and I haven't for around a decade. I don't know why, because I don't think anything bad happened. Maybe it was just that I left and they moved or something? I don't know- I might go and visit them soon.[/color] [@LiegeLord]