Fia gave Kay and Bane a nod to say 'we'll be back soon' and hurried off behind John and Chas before she got left behind. She wouldn't have put it passed either of them to do such a thing as she was used to that in her time by their older selves. She got to them just as John finished speaking to Chas whilst she shoved her hands in her pockets. Chas looked at them both and pulled out his car keys, "no time like the present then" he sighed, walking over to the can and unlocking it for them all to pile in, noting how Fia got in in the back to leave the front passenger seat for John. Kay watched them all leave and then turned to Bane when he expressed his concern. "I hope it is as well Bane. "It worries me that they're just rushing into this head first without any thought into it." She replied. "If I didn't promise to watch this place for him, I'd follow them" she admitted.