Yeah that makes sense, and I had that feeling which is why going after the bandits will likely be immediately bebeficial. Likely whatever the bandits are doing will disrupt trade and businesses which in turn means that the city doesnt have much to work with. Which is really bad for Fran since as a martial human, she kinda needs equipment to keep up with more magical races/creatures. Though I'll also be honest, I'm so used to villains and other enemies having some dark matter which enables them to be far richer and more well supplied than any of us protagonists that the idea of murdering and looting the enemy is simply more [i]efficient[/i] than bothering you come up with our own money and buying them from shops that won't have anything useful or available anytime soon. Why bother helping a blacksmith make mundane weapons and armor when that bandit boss over there is rocking a +1 armor and wields flaming swords? Though I suppose that itself is a story to be told itself. Frans just a regular warrior. Unlike everyone else with fantastic magic abilities both innate to their race and gained from their training, all Fran has going for herself is her skills in battle. And I imagine that it won't be long before those too get stretched to their furthest limits while everyone else has much more pote tiel to unlock. So Fran had a lot at stake to make sure the Dale success of else it'll see itself consumed by the sheer raw efficiency other races have over humans.