[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220419/d955e440c95ac6f731dc5e649ad359eb.png[/img][/center][hr]And with that, it seemed Kyreth’s initiation was a success. She’d expected as much, of course, but for it to go so smoothly was a pleasant surprise. Less pleasant was the sudden and blatant outing of them both as Tainted—a displeasure she felt and saw reflected in Kyreth. The shadowy boy was proving to be a bit meddlesome. Nonetheless, Aleka’s explanation of Veraz was intriguing. It was also, probably, complete horseshit. A place where her kind might live unburdened by the baleful gaze of Azaiza may very well exist, but nowhere in the world was benevolence free, or without intent. Tainted, Asvari, it didn’t matter what they were called, people would find their reasons. As if to demonstrate that very point, a halfling joined them from upstairs, and the first thing she did was wish them death. Lilann sighed, but she was good at hiding her own frustration, even without a mask. Kyreth was more emotive, turning away like a kicked puppy. She watched the woman go, studying her carefully; the elvish ears, the utilitarian clothes and the hovering fan. Aeowyn Silventria. This name she would remember. It seemed even places like this were no better than the taverns of Dranir, just prettier. While the prim young woman introduced herself as Eila, Kyreth ushered Lilaan aside, taking a seat in one of the chairs. It appeared he’d noticed Aeowyn’s name as well, and his concern, while touched up for any eavesdropping ears, was still nice. [color=skyblue]“Am I thrilled by the idea of being mentored by a bigot? No, I can’t say that I am.”[/color] she said, nonchalant about the volume of her own voice. [color=skyblue]“But I doubt I’ll have to worry about it. If she doesn’t kill me outright, she’ll likely just refuse anyway—and [i]then[/i] kill me.”[/color] Really, it was no worse a hand than any other she’d been dealt. Even without a mentor this was still a job in a place with good stories. She grinned at Kyreth. [color=skyblue]“But enough dreariness, look! You’re in! Steady work, apprenticeships; how many Tainted in Relfin can say they landed a chance like that? You did good, I think, coming here.”[/color][hr][sub][@Obscene Symphony][/sub]