[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3wGoS7n.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/clIHoiY.png[/img][/center] [color=a187be]Time:[/color] [b]9:30am[/b] [color=DDB775]Location:[/color] Danrose Entrance Hall [color=a187be]Interaction:[/color][@Helo] Callum [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [@Rodiak] Zarai [hr] [color=DDB775]"Breakfast sounds good right now."[/color] Edin muttered to himself, patting his belly. The crowd began to scatter at the dismissal, and he had been alone in his thoughts for that time. Before Zarai had fully departed, he had called to her, [color=DDB775]"Lady Zarf! We will call upon you again for your story when we reconvene."[/color] Lady Zarf would be level-headed enough for the task; it would be useful to have someone they could trust who had attended the party. As the room had emptied and things had quieted, he looked to his wife and sons, [color=DDB775]"I think it ended pretty well. The Sultan proclaimed he did not want to be enemies. All we must do now is find out who hosted the party and kill him."[/color] King Edin was casual with his words. He flicked a piece of lint off his shoulder as he spoke. [color=DDB775]"Well, we'll have people do that for us, so we do not have to do much else other than perhaps gather the investigation team... Hmph! Maybe for that Grand Vizier as well."[/color] He scoffed and let his gaze move to Wulfric, [color=DDB775]"You watch out for serpents like him. He's the type to set all this up and then throw a fit like that. Did you see how he threatened us? Called us his enemies?"[/color] [color=a187be]"... Your father is right."[/color] Alibeth hated the taste of those words. [color=a187be] "Grand Vizier Hafiz's words were concerning. Even the Sultan's tolerance is thinning. I do not think we can afford another mishap...I feel we must take steps to control those with irregular behavior."[/color] Her glance slid to Darryn thoughtfully, then she looked back to Wulfric and Edin. [color=a187be] "Shall we proceed with the execution? It may look better than we honor our words and seem not to be taking chances on them."[/color] She tilted her head. It seemed at that moment Callum was telling Wulfric something. She was curious but decided to wait. [color=DDB775] "Of course. He had a hand in endangering the lot of them. Easily replaceable as well."[/color]King Edin spoke. [color=DDB775]"Nobody will miss a peasant who cleans up horse shit for a living."[/color] His words prompted laughter from himself. Subsequently, he waved them all off, [color=DDB775]"Speaking of irregular behavior, Callum and Anastasia are clearly the issue. Wulfric will have the final say on the matter as I will now excuse myself for some breakfast. Toodaloo."[/color] With that, the King left the entrance hall.