[color=silver]Oscar Isaac switching from deeply emotionally distraught to someone that is entirely oblivious to what his previous alter was feeling and is physically lost is burned into my brain. [quote=@BangoSkank] Goddam No Country was good.[/quote] Yes. As for myself, pickings are surprisingly slim lately. I'm finishing up [i]Tokyo Vice[/i] which has been great. I'm also watching [i]Superman & Louis[/i] season 2 and although the CGI isn't always the best, despite it being a CW show, it's not running into too many of the usual issues with writing I've seen in their other properties. It's a nice change of pace. I also really, [i]really[/i] appreciate the family dynamic. I was worried in the first season how they would handle the brothers' relationship after one got powers and the other didn't, but they did a fine job and the chemistry between both Jordan and Jonathan feels very natural rather than contrived. Also lectures from one parent, only to sit around and wait for a lecture from the second. [hider=Not really a spoiler but cast change]Actor for Jonathan is being recast for the third season and I'm a little devastated. I think those two actors in their roles were perfect and their chemistry (again) was amazing.[/hider] [/color]