[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img] Word Count: 1879 (+3 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]2[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 27/20 [b]Location[/b]: Smash City Alcamoth[/center] Omori, Rika, and Ms. Fortune. Pit committed the new names to memory. He was familiar enough with the Koopa prince but this brief meeting with the others, far more than the initial one in the Garfront Center, gave Pit a good insight into each of their personalities. The sullen monochrome boy Omori was quiet and direct, befitting his appearance, though Pit didn't get the feeling that he was unkind. The woman with ears and tail, Ms. Fortune, who confirmed that it was indeed raining up above, was animated and jovial with a sense of humor that for the moment went right over his head. And finally was Rika the girl with mismatched horns, who seemed open and friendly. She even went as far to compliment Pit's wings, which surprised the boy. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Oh, thank you!"[/color] he said, his wings flapping happily behind him. He hadn't heard them called "pretty" before, but any compliment was a good one especially since they were... well they were perfectly fine, which made it all the more strange and frustrating that he couldn't fly on his own. He hadn't dwelt on that for quite a while and he wasn't about to start again now, so instead he smiled at everyone and nodded his head at Ms. Fortune when she mentioned the earlier meeting. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Yup, I was there. Good to meet you too!"[/color] And then the all important question: what else was there to do in Smash City Alcamoth? Omori mentioned somewhere that they could kill time, while Bowser Jr. added that somewhere to eat would be preferable. Pit tipped his head, thinking. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Well there's a bunch of places to get food here, since there's a bunch of people that need to get fed. Let's see..."[/color] He began to describe the various food spots, including a relatively small general kitchen and mess area, and of course the 'famous' Mona's Pizza, even if it was still in need of some additional staff. Ultimately he didn't get very far, because a notice sounded through the Arc Mall's speaker system. Apparently, the Yellow Team's "metro mission" was a success. The Seekers were directed to meet again at the Garfront Center to move into the next phase of their plan. Eager to get a move on, the four started to make their way to the meeting area. Ms. Fortune in particular dove off the side similar to the way the little girl had earlier, only she didn't have an umbrella to stop her fall. Seeing her blue blood and body parts strewn around nearly made the angel sick, and his relief when she literally pulled herself together was palpable. [i]How many people am I almost gonna see die today?![/i] Pit thought to himself, letting out a huge sigh. He watched the others go, their enthusiasm cheering him up a little. He found himself wanting to put himself to work too, it was sure to help him refocus himself. He leaned against the railing as he'd done earlier, noting that the rain had made it down to this level. He recalled the various open jobs around the nearby areas that needed to be handled sooner or later, considering them before another thought came to mind. [i]Why not just go with them?[/i] He wobbled back and forth, debating with himself on whether he should go or not for a few minutes. Ultimately Pit stood up, an expression of determination on his face. He knew he could be of help, and no matter what had happened between himself and one of the Seekers he'd have to get over it eventually. Exposure therapy is what it was called, right? Something like that. Pit pitched himself over the railing the same way the others had gone, gliding down to a stop and then running toward the Garfront Center after giving the others a few minutes handicap.[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 1879 (+3 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 115/90 [b]Location:[/b] Smash City Alcamoth[/color][/center] Meanwhile, the Ace Cadet had been hard at work restocking his inventory. After his spar with Sakura he'd tagged along with the street fighter right up until they met up with her friend Karin. Seeing the state that she was in and not wanting to risk saying the wrong thing and offending the person that had so generously fed their group of gluttons the day before, the Cadet excused himself quickly with an apologetic smile and went off to further explore the indoor city. At first he didn't have a plan in mind, and he considering trying to find some of the others. A pit stop saw him at the pizza place he'd visited with Cuphead before, and then he moved on. Eventually after peeking into public spaces and around corridors he found himself in what appeared to be a workshop of some sort. It was a mid-size room with soft music playing from somewhere, with long tables pushed together and all kinds of things strewn about on top of them. There looked to be pieces of equipment, broken weapons or items that sat there waiting to be fixed. There was no shortage of parts and tools intended for their repair, or just general materials like wires, metals, nails and screws. There were plenty of stranger items as well, like fireballs that floated on their own, food stuffs that had more uses besides for eating, and more. The room wasn't empty, as apart from the Cadet there was a Mii Gunner locked in intense concentration as she worked on the gun affixed to her arm, a small white and blue clad [url=https://i.ibb.co/52BzW71/Bomberman-Ultimate2.webp]person[/url] fiddling with bombs both inanimate and [url=https://i.ibb.co/swqdCKL/SSBU-spirit-Bomber.png]animate[/url] [url=https://i.ibb.co/pvfTkTd/Bob-omb-Mario-Party-Star-Rush.png]apparently[/url], as well as a R.O.B. that carried things over to an expanding of completed items on one side of the room. The room's final occupant was a short pink rabbit in a black vest with a name tag that read "A. Bunny," who sat at one of the few tables that wasn't completely littered with items. He appeared to be taking a break, and when the Cadet entered he raised a paw in greeting. "Hello!" [color=salmon]"Hi,"[/color] the monster hunter said. He pointed toward the room at large and asked, curious, [color=salmon]"Is anyone free to use this place, or is it like official Alcamoth use only?"[/color] Arcade Bunny chuckled and answered, "it's open to anyone. Knock yourself out!" [color=salmon]"Groovios!"[/color] The Cadet beamed, nearly diving headfirst into the mess. He stayed there for the rest of the time, tinkering with the more practical parts of his arsenal in order to recreate them using whatever was on hand. He got some help from Bomberman to add a new arrow coating to his options, a blast coating using powder rather than the explosive slime commonly used back in the his world. Though he supposed if he ever needed, he could get Rika to help with slime collection. Paint balls were another new addition that were simple enough to make, and he was sure eventually he'd find some use for them. He took apart many Pokéballs in an attempt to see how they worked, and though he didn't end up figuring it out he pocketed some just in case. Similarly he grabbed some Deku Nuts, foreseeing uses for them immediately whether as is or taken apart for use in other things like bullet casings. [i]I should see if any of the higher tech bowguns can use that kind of ammo,[/i] he thought to himself, [i]if they can I could whip up a bunch of support shots.[/i] He was still working when he and the other occupants of the room felt the whole place [i]shift[/i]. It was slight, but with delicate work such as this it was easily felt. The Mii Gunner huffed in frustration, her work thrown off by the subtle movement. Arcade Bunny offered her a sticker to help her mood. The Cadet gathered up his things and pushed himself to his feet. [color=salmon]"Welp, I should go check out what happened,"[/color] he said, [color=salmon]"Probably something my group's part of."[/color] He grinned and made for the door. As he passed the table that the Mii and bunny sat at, Arcade Bunny held something out to him. "Sticker for the road?" [color=salmon]"Don't mind if I do,"[/color] the Cadet replied, taking it and noting that it appeared to be a cartoonish dragon. His smile widened, and he stuck the cute [url=https://i.ibb.co/VNvYBpB/Hooktail-Sticker.webp]thing[/url] to his shield before heading out the door. A broadcast to meet at the Garfront Center redirected the hunter to the meeting area.[hr] After getting the lowdown on the next part of the mission, everyone made their way to where they'd get their transport. Most everyone, when they thought of watercraft to carry them, pictured a ship of some sort. The Blue Team had plenty of experience sailing by now, through waters harsh enough to temper anyone. Their transport was indeed a boat, but... just a rowboat? And one that looks like that no less? The Ace Cadet blinked. It seemed inefficient, but then again he had a backpack that seemed that way too and it worked like a charm. [color=salmon]"I'm sure it will be fine!"[/color] he said amidst the couple of snickers from the group. Although it wasn't like he would be dealing with it personally. As the dome lowered and they got closer to the water, the Cadet sent a teasing smile Nadia's way after he comment. [color=salmon]"Don't worry a-boat it, it something happens you can catch a ride with me."[/color] He was glad he was still able to glide across the water as well, which he fully planned to. If there was an extra boat or two because of those still fused with the shipgirls planning to take to the water directly, then it happened to work out for the tag-a-longs the Seekers had picked up. Among them, the angel Pit. Like many of the others Pit looked dubious about the blocky boats' integrity, but he was already committed to making the journey. Plus the dome was already at water level and people were pushing their boats into the river, it would be way to embarrassing to go back up now. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"I'm coming with you all!"[/color] Pit announced, looking toward Peach to make sure she didn't disapprove. After given the go ahead Pit smiled widely and wasted no time dragging his own wooden boat toward the water. He was pretty sure he'd get the hang of rowing it after watching the others, even if he'd prefer a ride on that whale. With his focus on maneuvering the boat, Pit didn't notice the little [color=lightgreen]green glowing bugs[/color] until they were almost right in his face. He sputtered and waved them away, where they moved on to the next person in their group. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Gah, those bugs again?"[/color] At that the Cadet looked over, having previously been engrossed in the mini-map and how cool it was. He gave Pit a look that said [i]it can't be helped.[/i] [color=salmon]"The scoutflies have to learn everyone's scent - even the people they've already met probably smell different with all the spirit stuff going on. They're harmless though, don't worry!"[/color] The insects flew around all of the Seekers, briefly visiting them all before returning to the cage tied to the Cadet's waist. The hunter himself skated across the water, taking point with Dazzle as well as the other shipgirls as the Seekers moved down the river toward Twilight Town.