[@dryden] I do well for myself, professionally, but there are some levels above me at my company that are currently occupied by individuals that don't seem qualified. The owner/president of the company has a #2 that presents a good show but is ultimately far less worthwhile than he would appear. Part of me wants to bring this #2's ineptitude to the limelight, but that would mean not only publicly showing that I'm willing to be a corporate cutthroat, which could backfire and label me poorly in the light of my fellow coworkers as well as the president who seems to really like his #2. The other part of me would rather leave it be because #2 and I are sort of friendly to eachother and I'm not entirely sure I would want to fill the void that #2 would create if he were fired, if only because the president is such a high maintenance personality and there would be far more direct contact between he and I. For the company overall, however, it would be better served with me in the position. Moral greater good says to sacrifice my reputation so that the rest of the company can thrive, even if it means that I am burning bridges for myself that could come as a high cost in the future. Self serving perspective says to leave it be and let injustice continue because it would be the easier path and its not like I'm directly suffering because of it. Aaaaaaand go!