[indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][h3][color=orchid][u]Katsuo Baker[/u][/color][/h3][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/3wQsPtW1/levi-comm-2-bg-fixsmall.png[/img] [color=orchid][b]Age:[/b][/color]12 [color=orchid][b]Crest:[/b][/color] Wisdom [color=orchid][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Having grown up on a military base (due to an American grandfather), Katsuo tries to complete orders and please people he deems to be 'greater in authority' than he is - which, when you're 12, is a lot of people. This doesn't mean he's mindlessly obedient mind you; he's mastered the art of the stealth insult when he doesn't have a choice and is surprisingly capable of getting others to do what someone else wants with little fanfare. While it's rare to see, he actually has a bit of a temper when it comes to two things - treating him as a young child, and animal neglect/abuse. He's still hardly quick to violence and more prone to cutting words and going after any observed weak points when truly angered. [color=orchid][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] As already noted, Katsuo grew up on Camp Zama, with his father as a colonel and his mother a teacher on-site. His brother, a full decade older than him, joined the army and went out to a base in Somalia. Katsuo wrote regularly to him even, though, about two years ago, he stopped receiving responses. Shortly after that, he found the family computer glowing (on account of his parents deeming him 'too young' to use a computer with unrestricted access) and went to try to figure out what was going on. Instead, he found himself in a plain, unfamiliar room with a strange egg - it was so big it took both arms to lift it, how was that not strange! - that was grey with blue markings. A voice that sounded oddly familiar, with no one around to speak it, told him to care for the egg and the creature that would hatch from it, and the favor would be returned. He ended up back in the "real" world still holding the egg. He spent time mulling over what to do, how to break the news to his parents - but what if they didn't let him keep it, he was only 10 - when one night he overheard his father sob. That was such a strange event, he left the egg in his room to listen in on what was happening. He listened to his father, crying, and his mother, clearly on the brink of tears herself, decide that they could not and would not tell Katsuo that his older brother was dead. Katsuo immediately felt both heartbreak - his brother, dead? - and simmering rage - they were treating him as too young to understand death! That was HIS brother! He snuck back to his room to grieve, lest his parents find out he'd been eavesdropping, and decided he was going to keep the egg and its creature a secret from them. See how THEY liked being treated as too ignorant to understand an admittedly depressing concept. Even after his angered cooled, he kept the egg and the Pagumon that hatched from it a personal secret. He almost regretted it when it became clear the being, the entity that called itself a 'digimon', began treating him as a young kid too, but he kept his tongue bitten. The things his partner, who he nicknamed Captain, seemed to be relatively minor, and perhaps at least he could excuse Captain for being even younger than he was. [color=orchid][b]Notes:[/b][/color] As his parents believe in self-sufficiency, he's been enrolled in judo classes since he was 5. He's a brown belt currently. [indent][indent][indent][h3][color=orchid][u]Captain the Gazimon[/u][/color][/h3][/indent][/indent][/indent] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/jd0NGNtc/ece7c9aa7a556901d2d7699153d0f7basmaller.png[/img] [color=orchid][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Larger than life and willing to make it everyone else's problem, 'Captain' loves talking to anyone he can (which, when you're kept secret, isn't many people), and he will talk until he's purple in the face (as he's quick to note, he can already talk until he's blue in the face, have you seen his fur?). He's also fascinated by medicine and the notion of being able to heal without data regeneration. Finally, he recognizes that, while he's technically younger than Katsuo, humans age and mature differently and tend to be much more fragile, and therefore he's determined to protect Katsuo from the worse parts of the world. [color=orchid][b]Notes:[/b][/color] While able to diagnose digimon problems, he's much better at this point diagnosing and treating human issues - infections, cuts, illnesses - due to growing up around humans. Due to this interest, Katsuo gifted him with a white armband that has a red cross on it. Captain wears it on his upper left arm. [u]Evolution Line[/u] [indent][color=orchid]In-Training:[/color] [url=https://wikimon.net/Pagumon]Pagumon[/url] -Acid Bubbles [color=orchid]Rookie:[/color] [url=https://wikimon.net/Gazimon]Gazimon[/url] -Paralyze Breath -Pitfall [color=orchid]Champion:[/color] [url=https://wikimon.net/Devidramon]Devidramon[/url] [color=orchid][s]Ultimate:[/s][/color] [color=orchid][s]Mega:[/s][/color][/indent]