[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220428/2b5eb9e5c5d519db318ece6092d697bf.png[/img] [sub][color=7b5d92]✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 20 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧[/color][/sub][/center] Ermes had a hard time believing that Ei was so shaken up by some plants out by the bridge. But then again, almost everyone seemed to have started acting weird as soon as they'd gotten to that part. Perhaps it was because their shared goal of reaching the Bounty House safely was no longer an issue, or maybe those strange plants held more to them that Ermes could even begin to think about. Whatever the case, he decided to listen closely to any and all explanations this flamboyant excuse for a coinsman had. He'd started with something that appeared to be simple for anyone with coin. Aetherborn. Three classifications, that made it easy. Luckily for him Eila had already told him which he was, a bit of knowledge he'd thought to use to his advantage while signing up. While the others hadn't a clue what theirs were called, him knowing his own might have given him a slight edge in getting bounties. Making him appear to be more educated and trained than the others save for Eila. Now, unfortunately, it seemed that it wouldn't matter. A fractal of knowledge that could be seen as piggybacking off of Cerrics information. He quickly moved towards Ella's question about the underwater plants. Another story that was most likely filled with embellishments and hot air. Though Ella's curiosity for it prompted Ermes to make a mental note to ask her more about it later. What special conditions did this plant need that made it so strange to see out here? His thoughts were cut short as a halfling woman came blustering out yelling after the blue man though not much more came of that as Aleka began to answer his question. It appeared it was an idyllic word for the tainted, causing Ermes to give pause as he looked back over towards Kyreth and Lilan. There was no malice in his gaze, though his eyes scrutinized them heavily as they worked from head to heel. A large part of Ermes wanted to walk right back up to them. Encircling the two tainted in a curious dance as he'd heard tales the demon spawn had harsh features like tails that ended in a point, or horns to gauge their enemies, fangs that when bared could strip the flesh off one's bones. But these two goons didn't look like they could strip the flesh off a ripe fruit let alone another person. Without thought he'd taken one step closer to the pair, only to be interrupted by Aeowyn. She seemed extremely distasteful towards the two tainted, as well as perhaps with life itself based on her demeanor. But she soon left leaving an air of tension as Aleka called for the next applicant. Eila was quick to beat him to the punch, making Ermes the last to sign up. It was only fair as he entered the building last, but it did leave a sour taste in his mouth. The shadows cast by his dark hair seemed to overshadow his eyes, giving him a gleam of malice, his crossed arms stared at a fixed point while he fiddled with his swords pommel once more. He had no idea how to introduce himself, whether his previous work would be a boon or a hindrance in his newline of work. He wasn't here for them, but if the name alone could help him out he wouldn't waste a second using it. After all that's what people with power do every day, use others' names to get themselves ahead.