Talia's answer to his question didn't surprise Dante in the least. In fact, Dante should've known the answer before he'd even asked. He smiled to himself. Talia had always been good with the younglings. [color=lightgreen]"Those twins compete something fierce,"[/color] was his comment. Later on, maybe a half hour after Fenn had gone on his soliloquy about triangle-shaped sandwiches tasting better than the usual rectangular-cut ones, (Fenn was a connoisseur of slave food, having gone out of his way to try all manner of creative recipes and meals that one could make with what little the Overseers allowed... and even some of the foodstuffs they kept for themselves,) Gunthar was on his way back with cartloads of debris. Dante stood up straight from his work and looked at the passing ogre, catching Gunthar's comradely nod and giving him a cool salute back. [color=lightgreen]"Sup, Gunthar."[/color] [color=FFB6C1]“Why don’t we go with Gunthar?[/color] Dante put his pickaxe down on it's head and pushed it away to lean on the tunnel wall as he listened to his friend. [color=FFB6C1]He’s making fresh tunnels, so there should be more ores right on the surface. He might even be knocking some loose that we could add to the carts.”[/color] It wasn't a bad idea.. certainly broke up the monotony for a second. And they would get to the easy ore before anyone else. The corners of Dante's mouth pulled down and he gave a nod of approval. [color=lightgreen]"Sounds good to me,"[/color] he replied. "Easy ore, I like it," Fenn chimed in and Dante laughed. That's why they were friends. [color=FFB6C1]“Would you mind, Gun? We’ll stay far enough back you won’t have to worry about hitting us.”[/color] [color=a0410d]"Okay."[/color] "Alright!" Fenn cheered. Gunthar went to take his work back before returning to show the way. But in that time, Fenn was called up the tunnel by Virgil. He had to go. "Awww, no fair." Dante retrieved his pickaxe, said a goodbye to Fenn, then joined Talia as they followed Gunthar down the tunnel. The young demon looked at the walls, ceiling and floor with a little bit of doubt and reservation, as they went. The fresh tunnels hadn't yet been secured with beams, which made them slightly dangerous. More than a few deaths had happened due to accident, in Dante's lifetime, and the old-timers had plenty of stories of when work in mines was even more dangerous for the slaves. If he heard the slightest stress, he was ready to high-tail it out of there, dragging Talia with him if he had to. Subconsciously, his path strayed a little closer to her. Gunthar waved them to a halt and Dante complied, adjusting his weight onto his back foot. He tossed his pickaxe into a flip, catching it by the handle and repeating the process, while he watched Gunthar do his thing. [color=a0410d]"Here, I work."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"Nice,"[/color] was all Dante could think to say. Aside from the excitement of being so far into a dangerously fresh tunnel, Dante was actually waiting in anticipation to see Gunthar start wrecking walls......... [color=a0410d]"Pick any you want. I break fast, so no worry."[/color] ..........And boy, that ogre did not disappoint. Dante's jaw dropped. Gunthar's power was terrific. He tore through rock and stone like it was nothing - like he was a living machine, rubble and debris pouring onto the floor around his feet as he progressed. The young demon swore under his breath, forgetting he was down here to work for a moment. This moment lasted for a few minutes when suddenly, a whole wall of rock came crashing down in front of Gunthar. The ogre had bored right into a wide open, underground cavern. The significance of this discovery didn't dawn on Dante until the dust settled. It was then that Dante realised that there was no one to act as [i]Light[/i] for Gunthar. And yet, down the tunnel where the ogre was, there was a glowing aura. Dante's eyes widened in surprise. He looked at Talia and smiled, then flicked his head pointedly Gunthar, gesturing her to follow with him. His feet carefully navigated the dirt and rock as he caught up to Gunthar, the light getting brighter he neared. When he finally caught up, he was not ready for what he saw... [color=lightgreen]"By Lilith,"[/color] he swore, putting a hand on Gunthar's elbow as he stood beside him. (It would normally be a hand on the shoulder, but the ogre was just so massive, it was easier this way.) [color=lightgreen]"What the hell is that thing?"[/color] They were looking at a floating sphere of light - a ball of energy, suspended in the centre of the cavern, just existing. It was nothing like anything Dante had ever seen, and yet he could feel it's power - the swirls of aura that surrounded it. It was radiating magical energy. Dante was frozen on his spot, just staring.