[h3]Lissa[/h3] [b]“Done.”[/b] Lissa didn’t hesitate to offer a number on the spot from her own savings, basing her offer of coin on her own calculations based on the gemstones that the dwarf had received as payment from Sorcha. Of course, she would petition the village or the merchant Mie for reimbursement if the entire endeavor was successful, but she wasn’t the type that would balk at the loss of petty coin to help somebody else in need. She thought she was a good judge of character and experience, and so far, Lissa didn’t find Eirhild wanting in either department. Just as she began to depart, the mothraki in question returned, coincidentally along with Enli. The raam-in-disguise raised a hand in greeting, only to shrug as the village elder stepped aside. [b]“Hum… wonder what all that was about. Eh, no matter, I guess. Shall we away to your house then, Nylah?”[/b] offering the girl a small smile, she stepped in alongside Nylah as they returned to her house. [b]“Busy day, huh. So, you wanted to speak earlier? It’s not about Mie and the little trip I want to take, is it?”[/b]