[hider=Daniel Helmsley][h2][color=f77ee9]▲[/color] Metal Man[/h2] [center][h3][color=f77ee9]Daniel Brian Helmsley[/color][/h3][sup]Nickname(s): Danny Boy[/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oClOaq0.png[/img] [center][color=f77ee9][h3][i]Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.[/i][/h3][/color] [color=gray][b][i]– Gordon Gecko[/i][/b][/color][/center] [color=f77ee9]╟[/color] January 1st (22) [color=f77ee9]||[/color] White [color=f77ee9]||[/color] Alpha Male [color=f77ee9]||[/color] The Metal Man does not limit himself to such petty illusions as [i]labels[/i] [color=f77ee9]||[/color] Bisexual [color=f77ee9]||[/color] Single and really needs a partner to keep him humble [color=f77ee9]╢[/color][/center] [indent][color=f77ee9][sub][b][h3]⋙: A C A D E M I C S[/h3][/b][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]A P P L I C A T I O N P R O C E S S[/u][/color] [indent][b]|| Written test || [/b] [color=f77ee9][b]This shit be coming to me too [i]easy[/i], bro. See, the thing is my psycho dad had me studying this shit from the moment I could walk and talk. He was like ‘Danny, one day you’re going to decimate the super world.’ And I was like, dude, what? I’m fucking six years old, why do you have me studying shit like the Supes in world wars? Whatever. Anyway, just call me Easy A.[/b][/color] || [i]Unfortunately, Mr. Helmsley did indeed ace the test. Trust me, we’re just as disappointed about it as you are.[/i] [b]|| Practical test ||[/b] [color=f77ee9][b]I got this super act down to a T. Arrive, save the day, smile and wave.[/b][/color] || [i]Though the young Mr. Helmsley was somewhat focused on the way he looked and was received more than doing a good job… he [b]did[/b] succeed in the end.[/i] [b]|| Written essay topic ||[/b] [color=f77ee9][b]This is where the fun began! See, I have to convince the people who are reading my tests that I actually [i]want[/i] to be a superhero. Which is like, I do… but what I really want is all the money and the fame. Pops is in jail these days, and look, the Supreme clothing does [i]not[/i] come cheap.[/b][/color] || [i]He wrote about how you can live a better life by being a hero rather than a villain. There was some clear passion here, though his methods seem a little… misguided.[/i] [b]|| Video supplement ||[/b] [color=f77ee9][b]“I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking ‘why oh why would we let the son of public enemy number one come to our fancy pants little academy?’ Let me answer that question for you: You ever watched an anime before? Everyone goes nuts for the guy with the bad guy origins who turns out to be a good guy. And guess what? That’s me. I become a hero, I overcome the expectations and trials of who my dad is and [i]boom[/i]. Instant star. I make a bunch of money, the companies make a bunch of money… everyone’s happy.”[/b][/color] || [i]Dammit he’s right.[/i] [/indent] [color=gray][u]S C H O O L[/u][/color] [indent]Crestview College → Crystal Peak[/indent] [color=gray][u]Y E A R[/u][/color] [indent]Senior[/indent] [color=gray][u]O C C U P A T I O N[/u][/color] [indent]Danny Boy has no time to work a job because Danny Boy has too much fucking schoolwork to do.[/indent] [color=gray][u]L I V I N G A R R A N G E M E N T[/u][/color] [indent]Cypress Apartments[/indent] [color=gray][u]I N T E R N S H I P S[/u][/color] [indent]Has not had an internship, but also has (perhaps unsurprisingly) not looked for one.[/indent] [color=f77ee9][sub][b][h3]⋙: R E P U T A T I O N[/h3][/b][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]Danny had a bit of a struggle with the whole ‘son of a supervillain’ thing, but he knew that would happen going in. It’ll be part of his reputation all his life, and it’s something he plans on using to make himself a popular supe. Gotta keep the money flowing.[/indent] [color=f77ee9][sub][h3][b]⋙: P O W E R S[/b] [sup][b]& F I G H T I N G S T Y L E[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]A B I L I T I E S[/u][/color] [indent]Danny Boy here can turn himself into metal. While in his metal form, Danny has increased speed, strength, and massively increased durability. He reckons he’s invincible, and he’s yet to run into anything that can punch him hard enough to make him think otherwise. KO’d, sure once or twice ([color=f77ee9][b]Fuckin’ Dog Day packs a punch, bro.[/b][/color]), but he’s never had anything [i]broken[/i] while in the metal form. He’s pretty confident he can get even harder too, but he hasn’t tried too hard.[/indent] [color=gray][u]L I M I T A T I O N S[/u][/color] [indent]Danny can only hold the metal form for a few hours at a time, and if he’s knocked out, the metal goes bye bye and so does his face if someone follows through. He’s also extremely heavy while in it, making it difficult for him to be driven or flown around. Extreme heat also fucks with him and makes it difficult to focus and maintain a metal form. Overall, it’s a pretty simple, but fairly flashy power.[/indent] [color=gray][u]C O M B A T[/u][/color] [indent]Danny Boy here’s a bit of brawler. He can throw hands with the best of them, and take more than a few punches himself - both in his metal form and out of it. Ultimately though, on the battlefield, he’s a tank. Smack-talker Skywalker, Danny drags the attention of the enemies and dares them to try and take him down, and waits for the Boys to swoop in and handle business for him. It works out. He’s also obsessed with the idea of team up moves, and tries to make some that work for himself and all of his buddies. It’s a work in progress, but he’ll be damned if it doesn’t work out in the end.[/indent] [color=f77ee9][sub][h3][b]⋙: A P P E A R A N C E[/b] [sup][b]& P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]D A I L Y L O O K S & S T Y L E [/u][/color] [list][*][b]Hair:[/b] Brown Blonde Type Beat | Curly? Straight? Who knows. | Messy. Whatever’s convenient. He’s lazy, okay? [*][b]Eyes:[/b] Blue Green [*][b]Height:[/b] 6’3” (7’ in his metal form) [*][b]Body Type:[/b] Positively shredded, it’s like the guy eats nothing but protein. Also quite shiny in his metal form. [*][b]Clothing Style:[/b] Danny wears the kind of clothes one might expect from the heir to a mega-fortune. Designer names and tags from head to toe. [*][b]Makeup Wise:[/b] Danny paints his nails sometimes, thinks it looks super-fire. He used to be a make-up test dummy for his sisters and never really grew out of painting the nails. [*][b]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/b] N/A[/list] [color=gray][u]S U P E L O O K S & S T Y L E [/u][/color] [indent][color=f77ee9][b]Dude. When you turn into a giant metal monster, spandex is your friend. I got a pair of stretchy spandex shorts that I wear when I’m up to those daring dos, and that’s fuckin’ it. They’re grey.[/b][/color][/indent] [color=gray][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S [/u][/color] [indent][list][*]Cocky [*]Melodramatic [*]Drama King [*]Stupidly loyal [*]Headstrong [*]Never shuts up [*]The man with a plan[/list] [/indent] [color=gray][u]F E A R S[/u][/color] [indent]His motherfuckin’ dad breakin’ out of prison and demanding to know what the fuck he’s doing in a super hero college. [/indent] [color=f77ee9][sub][h3][b]⋙: F A M I L Y[/b] [sup][b]& R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]L O V E D O N E S [/u][/color] [b]D I R E C T F A M I L Y[/b] [indent][url=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODI0MTYzNTIxNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjg2Nzc0NA@@._V1_UY1200_CR190,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg]Christopher Helmsley[/url], Father: Currently Incarcerated at Carceris Island. Seems to still be running his criminal empire from the comfort of his cell, much to the frustration of authorities. [url=https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/mtjPJWDy4_QXNt9pFqvSpJhv-G8/0x219:3651x3870/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2020/05/29/774/n/1922398/d368ebcb5ed147ed133494.41915736_/i/Adriana-Lima.jpg]Bianca Helmsley[/url], Mother [url=https://www.themoviedb.org/t/p/w500/btxXJk7WymZZnWGbAd6NMwA8ehZ.jpg]Sofia Helmsley[/url], Older sister [url=https://i.imgur.com/FAbpkWL.png]Ryan Helmsley[/url], Older brother[/indent] [b]R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b] [indent]Danny is besties with the Boys. The Lads. The Crew. His people. Danny has little to no strong feelings at this time toward the others.[/indent] [color=f77ee9][sub][h3][b]⋙: H I S T O R Y[/b][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]Y O U R L I F E S O F A R[/u][/color] [indent]Daniel Helmsley was born in California to Christopher and Bianca Helmsley, their youngest child. In his early years, Daniel was expected to learn about the superhero society that Christopher longed to one day control. Unfortunately for Daniel, he had gotten rather unlucky with his heritage; his father was the head of a longstanding, massive criminal empire that spanned across the entire world, and to top it all off… Christopher is a bit of a control freak. Up until the very first day of his junior year of high school, when Christopher was taken in by Sentinel and his team, Daniel felt like he had no choice but to do exactly what his dad wanted him to. That was what everyone else in the family did, so how could he be any different? Once his dad was in prison though… things kind of changed for him. There was no overbearing force breathing down his neck and telling him that he existed to further the cause of the family’s empire, or that it was his [i]birthright[/i] to head the organization… there was really nothing, other than listening to his mother cry every night. ([color=f77ee9]Dude, it’s been like four years and she’s [i]still[/i] crying.[/color]) In his senior year, Daniel came up with his master plan. If he could get into Super society, then he figured he had the perfect storyline to make a hundred movies, sell a thousand bucks, and most importantly: make himself his own goddamn money. After he’d gotten old enough to realize the kind of things his father got up, Daniel had decided he’d become a self-made man. Or, at least a partially self-made man. He wasn’t about to be the type to say no to a small loan of a million dollars, or the credit cards his mother still paid off with the income from the legitimate businesses she and her husband had owned. [i]Eventually[/i], Daniel would make it on his own, but he’d take his sweet time getting there. He spent most of his junior year and all of his senior year preparing for his master plan. The work he did with his father was given new life and new direction, and by the time he graduated high school his master plan was ready to be put in motion… And then after he put in his application, he got sent to Crestview instead of Crystal Peak. He’s still reeling with disappointment in himself.[/indent] [color=f77ee9][sub][h3][b]⋙:A N Y T H I N G E L S E [/b][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]Daniel Sherman, [color=f77ee9][b]F77EE9[/b][/color] His hobbies include: Smoking weed Drinking booze Playing NBA 2k Coloring books Painting his nails Trying to convince D-Day that his beast form would look sweet with a big ol’ purple bow Shopping [/indent] [/indent][/hider]