[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/NEP2.gif[/img][/center] Gregory's Gas employees pride themselves on their homely customer service and you'd be damned if you were going to be the exception. Your eyes darted to the wall where the first aid kit stood hung on the wall. Rushing to your feet you tear the tin box out of the wall thanks to the flimsy, old nails that once kept it there. Cracking it open you find that the kit's likely never been used with everything inside remaining in the original packaging. Tearing into the hydrogen-peroxide, you haphazardly pour a bunch on the customer's shoulder, making him wince in pain but keep quiet other than the deep inhale through gritted teeth. After depositing the contents of the bottle in their entirety, you quickly begin wrapping the wound, just finishing as an angry fist punches through the wood of the door, thrashing down at the barricade pushed against the door. The barricade was now being moved a little, whatever you did next would be the last thing you do... in this building, of course. You were going to live through this right? -[i][abbr=It's time to book it. You aren't too keen to be a part of a workplace accident, let alone one that results in you losing your grip on the mortal coil.]Dash for the Door.[/abbr][/i] -[i][abbr=If you're going to try to fight this thing it's not going to be with your fists. Time for a last ditch effort to find this thing's silver bullet in the pile of crap in the corner.]Root Through the Unsellables[/abbr][/i]