Piripiri catches up the end of Giriels leash quickly, hiding the motion from Han's relative (Cousin? Sister? Wrong age for a generation jump.) behind the witches back. It wouldn't do to give the wrong impression and have repercussions land on anybody else for something done at her command. She bows low and formal, mask concealing a grin at the poor priestess's condition. "We are on errantry, and greet you, priestess of the veil. Further, one would be most honored by if the priestess would allow this one to prepare you tea." She's getting out her tea set, firepot, and herbs as she says it, a quiet glance at the door or the steps asking if tea should be inside or outside. As for the tea itself, options abound. A strong sedative would neatly remove both the priestess and Giriel from play, the Golden Banneret would be an unknown, and she'd have another hostage, but it'd be rude and gauche. So instead a simple jasmine tea. "One wonders, if one could be so bold, as to what one of your prestige is guarding the door against? One would think if there was a great danger, more of you might be about, or perhaps a daughter of dragons, if there is one in your priesthood?" Take the bait, priestess.