[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZlUgVii.png[/img][/center] As a recruited new member of the Academy, Willow had been given - paid for - a room inside of a inn in the city. She had arrived the day before, and being the first time in a few months she had a comfortable bed to sleep in, the green haired girl made the most of it by sleeping in kind of late. As a result, she was now frantically gathering her very few belongings around the room before she was really late. It mostly consisted of the clothe she had on as well as a change of clothes and her diary. Iris, her Kirlia, was near the door and seemingly sighed at the sight of her owner going around - not an unusual occurrence. Despite everything, and despite being the last arriver, Willow was indeed in the carriage when it made it's way up to the Academy and finally passed it's great gates. True to herself, she didn't say much to the other students in on the road saved for an obligatory Hello here and there before looking at the Horizon, in her own head. Before she knew it, the carriage stopped and they were asked to exit and gather close by. Willow hopped off, followed closely by Iris, but seemed distracted as she began looking around. Curious. The other students made their way to the designated location, but Willow kind of lightly stepped in the general direction while looking around; at the walls, the people, the Pokemons and so on. Eventually her eyes laid on the students that were probably her seniors, training in the courtyard some distance further. That was when Iris tugged on Willow's dress and pointed towards the group - she was the last not there! Willow hurriedly made her way with the others and waited for further instructions on what to do next.