[@Remuri] Sonia listened patiently, and there was a hint of amusement... or sarcasm in her smile When the man voiced his opinion in such an elaborate manner. [color=a187be]"Mister Traveler, I simply asked for a plan. Your plan, not mine, nor dictate or suggest how should I carry out my plan."[/color] Sonia stepped down from her stone podium and sit on a nearby, more elevated boulder. [color=a187be]"There is no leader to vote for yet, let alone elected. And I have not disclosed my plan, not yet. But I think I definitely understand where you are coming from."[/color] [color=a187be]"As for giving the dead proper burial. I agree with you, but I am not in a position to assign anyone to fulfill anyone's behest."[/color] Sonia pointed at the resting sailors who were mostly quiet during her speech, taking their time to enjoy the meal. [color=a187be]"But I think the gentlemen over there would be willing to help you as a token of gratitude for the food you have generously prepared. As for the file, formation as you might call it, I think it will be reserved for later."[/color] [color=a187be]"Anyone else? Mind sharing your ideas?" [/color]