[@Marmalised Junk] "[color=goldenrod]The pleasure is all mine, just happy to help.[/color]" Smiling a bit as the wraiths invaded the inn, the girl's sudden flight forced him to grasp his hat to avoid it flying away. Blinking a tad afterwards as he takes out his pistol and watches the spectral beings, seeming cautious about them. They weren't something he hasn't dealt with before, many encounters with magical creatures has burned into his mind to always keep a supply of silver bullets. Though he didn't want to revert to his different form if possible, though if these beings started attacking anyone who doesn't strike first he'd leave it alone. But the first moment they showed hostility he'd start firing, even the sound of the hammer being drawn back showed he was ready. Standing up as he looks over the beings, they resembled Shades in so many ways yet there were clear differences, so thankfully they didn't push him to be on edge. Instead he'd look to all the other patrons and beings in the place, he'd notice the griffin like being having already engaged themselves in combat with the wraiths. Reminded him somewhat of the Hurum, a chuckle breaking from him as he remembers their lot. How they always dove headfirst into a fight, he also would never forget getting hit by one while he was in his draconic form... felt like getting hit by a truck. But for now he was focused more on protecting anyone who was attacked by these things.