That's largely why I stopped watching Marvel shit. It went downhill hard after End Game. I think Black Panther was the first indicator they were running on fumes. Chadwick Bozeman was great in it, and Michael B Jordan too, but the writing was bad and sometimes BAAAD and it seemed like an undeveloped idea rushed out to get something out there. That and some Scorpion King level CGI that was just utterly baffling. Captain Marvel was confirmation that they're just going to put shit movies out because they will sell so long as they have a puzzle piece of the necessary viewing for a Marvel Stage series. What's her face was terrible. Story was nonsensical. Just bad. And Nick Fury's scar...really. Really though. That's what you're going with. Since then I don't think I've seen any of the movies. I saw Falcon/Winter Soldier, modern political garbage and otherwise kinda meh. I liked the Loki show ok. Wasn't a huge fan of 3/4ths of it shitting on Loki but I liked that female Loki character and the whole TVA/Multiverse/Kang thing. In summary...Marvel has all the potential in the world but they're squandering it in a truly impressive way. Oh I lied. I saw Shang Chi. Less martial arts than I expected. More bad CGI and mythological beasts battling in the sky. Ass.