[hr][h1][b][i][color=6666FF][center]Demetri Rowan Howell[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/623360226481012766/830510933285273610/5fa292dd93329b2167dedfb4bf154665.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=6666FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: Big House > Van [color=6666FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [/center][hr][hr] Demi rolled his eyes back at Zeke. Out of the two, Zeke had always been more quick witted and tended to have the last word at times. Though Demetri would like to believe it was more of a 50/50 split on the banter wins. He walked up towards the group that was now fully formed and waiting on their driver. Janelle seemed to be off to herself, Zeke and Nancy were sibling bonding, and Cassian and Kristin were patiently waiting for Argus to arrive. As Argus began to pull up with the van, Demetri immediately noticed the logo and display off the side panels. A part of him wished there weren't any actual strawberries inside that van. Sure it was likely just a cover to allow them to go in and out unnoticed under the guise of a delivery service. But if the van was actually used for strawberry delivery and any scent remained, well, he wondered how well Zeke would cope with that. He'd made it very clear to Demi before his distaste for the scent of one of Demetris favorite fruits. It made sense though, but he worried any lingering scents might make Zeke car sick. Once it finally stopped, Demetri made his way into the van, scooting down and leaving space for Nancy and Zeke to sit next to him. [hr][h1][b][i][color=CC00CC][center]Cassian Rudenko[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/844140037963644949/855e9aabdb4e547cabf9f9441afd50a4.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=CC00CC][b]Location[/b][/color]: Big House > Van [color=CC00CC][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [/center][hr][hr] Cassian watched as most them all mingled amongst one another. The nervousness of the mission beginning to sink in more and more by the minute. He took in a deep breathe, going over a mental list of everything he'd gathered just before arriving here. Whether or not he'd gotten everything he wanted however didn't matter anymore, as Argus began to pull the van back into camp, driving towards them and getting out before realizing there was now yet another group of quest goers ready to embark on their own journey. The thought got caught in his mind, as he looked towards Demetri for a second. Supposedly having a Big Three kid show up meant something big would happen soon. Having four show up must've meant something even more disastrous. And as he stood there thinking about all four quests now being handed it, the gods being at war with themselves, and the fall of Rome, it was clear those superstitions held some sort of merit. Cassian began to make his way towards the van, making sure to pass Zeke on the way there, stopping just short of Apollo's son. [Color=CC00CC]"I got some trick arrows for the quest. I can share some with you once we've left the van and are on the road. Don't need a smoke arrow to accidentally go off inside while Argus is driving."[/color]