[@Katakuri] [i]”Yesss”[/i] the undead creature replied with a low raspy hiss as it grabbed Ghairs shoulders with its sharp shadowy hands. [i]”Your soul!”[/i] It’s red glowing eyes stare flare brighter as it inhaled deeply sucking at Ghair’s life force. Meanwhile, as the strange creatures mighty roar settles, it is replaced by the commotion and screaming of the average patrons. A young man teeters precariously on the railings atop the stairs as he tries to backaway from a lodge shadowy wraith. A young woman scrambles frantically amongst chairs and tables as a wraith rots them to dust with a touch, steadily following her. Dorian has vanished. The young server boy is kneeling, eyes closed and chanting. To what effect, it is unclear.