[quote=@Yasha] This very much reminds me of the movie Mayhem, and while its been a hot minute since i was in any RP's, it would be a lot of fun to try this setting. [/quote] Ahh I remember that movie! Never watched but I'm familiar with the premise. Definitely a fun setting that I'm itching to try out ever since it popped into my mind. Hopefully it'll prove to be a good time ^^ [quote=@Crimson Flame] Why am I tempted to join this? :hmm [/quote] Because it's what fidough would want from you. Source: trust me. [quote=@Vertigo] I'm down! Gives me Aggretsuko and Death & Taxes vibes, and that's a good thing. [/quote] Unfamiliar with those properties but I'm glad it's a good thing ^^ Welcome aboard! Let's cause some mayhem!